The Necessity Of God In Understanding The Universe

Dec 28th, 2024 | By

Theoretical cosmologist, Paul M. Sutter recently wrote, “I’m a cosmologist, the kind of scientist who studies the origin, history and evolution of the universe. I have spent my career researching one special part of the universe called cosmic voids: the vast expanses of nothing that stretch between the galaxies. Most of our universe is void—somewhere around 80 percent of the volume of the cosmos is made of nothing at all. By strict accounting of cosmic abundances, our planet and the life we find here amount to essentially zero.

What Child Is This?

Dec 21st, 2024 | By

The birth of a child produces wonder, astonishment, even adoration. The birth of Jesus was no different. Yet, biblical Christianity adds that He was God in human form entering our history. As Chuck Swindoll summarizes: “On a rescue mission designed by His Father before time began, Jesus silently slipped into our world, breathed our air, felt our pain, became acquainted with our sorrows, suffered and died for our sins . . . to show us the way out of our darkness and into His glorious light.”

The Crisis Of Manhood In American Culture

Dec 14th, 2024 | By

Many times I have used this quote from G.K. Chesterton: “When men choose not to believe in God, they do not thereafter believe in nothing; they then become capable of believing in anything.” From Chesterton’s quote I am choosing to use “men” here as gender-specific—males in American culture today. There is so much confusion within our culture about what it means to be a man. As David French reports, the very definition of “masculinity” betrays a crisis.

The US Economy And Its Future Challenges In An Integrated World Economy

Dec 7th, 2024 | By

The past three decades have produced an economy in America that is indeed the envy of the world. The Economist summarizes the financial and economic dynamic of the US economy: “In 1990 it accounted for about two-fifths of the GDP of the G7. Today it makes up half. Output per person is now about 30% higher than in Western Europe and Canada, and 60% higher than in Japan—gaps that have roughly doubled since 1990. Mississippi may be America’s poorest state, but its hard-working residents earn, on average, more than Brits, Canadians or Germans. Lately, China too has gone backwards. Having closed in rapidly on America in the years before the pandemic, its nominal GDP has slipped from about three-quarters of America’s in 2021 to two-thirds today.”

Israel And The Policy Of Deterrence: The Key To Its Survival

Nov 30th, 2024 | By

Since 7 October 2023, Israel has redrawn the balance of power in the Middle East and indeed in the world. Here is a summary of its triumphant war against savage theocratic terrorists

“We Gather Together”: A Thanksgiving Hymn In Historical Perspective

Nov 23rd, 2024 | By

This week is Thanksgiving and it is appropriate in this edition of Issues in Perspective, to focus on Thanksgiving. To that end, I want to share a perspective on the Thanksgiving hymn, “We Gather Together.” Melanie Kirkpatrick of the Wall Street Journal offers an instructive history about this traditional hymn.

Reflections On The 2024 Election

Nov 16th, 2024 | By

The 2024 election is, thankfully, behind us as a nation. We affirm the truth of Psalm 115:3: “Our God is in the heavens; He does all that He pleases.” [ESV] The local election results, the various state election results, and, of course, the national results are a demonstration of that mysterious tension found throughout Scripture of human responsibility and divine sovereignty: At the presidential level, Donald Trump was elected president because the people voted for him; Donald Trump is also president because God chose him to be president.

Identity Politics, The Economy, Evangelicals And The 2024 Political Culture

Nov 9th, 2024 | By

It is now conventional wisdom to argue that America is more polarized as a society in 2024 than it has been in its history, save the decade of the 1850s right before the Civil War. Why? There is no simple answer to this important question, but it is quite important as Christians that we seek to understand the nature of this polarization. The columnist and recent convert to Christianity, David Brooks, offers a most helpful analysis and overview of our polarized society.

Parenting In The 21st Century: In Crisis?

Nov 2nd, 2024 | By

Why have children? Why choose to become a parent? For much of human history, these two questions would probably have received significant pushback. Children were an obvious concomitant of marriage and, in many cases, of survival. But, today “only 26% of Americans say that having children is important for living a fulfilling life, whereas 71% consider ‘having a job or career they enjoy’ to be essential, and 61% say the same for ‘having close friends.’”

Is The US Prepared? The Commission On The National Defense Strategy

Oct 26th, 2024 | By

David Wallace-Wells of the New York Times observes that “War is on the rise everywhere. When the International Institute for Strategic Studies in London published its authoritative Armed Conflict Survey in early December, it counted 183 conflicts globally in 2023—higher than had been recorded in 30 years. The most remarkable episode of this harrowing new era of global violence is an astounding spate of military takeovers in what has come to be known as the coup belt, stretching uninterrupted across Africa’s Sahel from the Atlantic Ocean to the Red Sea: six countries enduring 11 coup attempts, eight of them successful, since just 2020 . . .”