2 Samuel 13:21-14:24
Mar 29th, 2024 | By Dr. Jim Eckman
David is paralysed by the guilt from his sin and cannot act decisively as the King or as a father regarding his sons Amnon and Absalom.
David is paralysed by the guilt from his sin and cannot act decisively as the King or as a father regarding his sons Amnon and Absalom.
David mourns the loss of his son; Amnon rapes his half-sister Tamar; but David refuses to discipline Amnon.
David’s sin with Bathsheba and the subsequent murder of her husband Uriah resulted in 5 consequences for David’s family and the kingdom.
David defeats and subjugates all of Israel’s enemies and shows grace to Mephibosheth
David returns the Ark to Jerusalem and “dances before the LORD;” God then establishes the Davidic Covenant, promising to David an eternal throne, dynasty and kingdom.
David is crowned king of all 12 tribes, makes Jerusalem his capital, neutralizes the Philistine threat and brings the Ark to Jerusalem.
The civil war between the House of David and the House of Saul ends with murder, assassination and bloodshed, but David begins to unify the 12 tribes with grace, compassion and justice.
David is crowned king in Hebron but must deal with the civil war orchestrated by Abner.
God’s discipline of David re-energizes his walk with God and Saul dies on Mt. Gilboa.
Saul hits his spiritual bottom by going to a medium for counsel and David hits his spiritual bottom by his plans to join the Philistines in a war against his own people.