1 Peter 5:1-14
Nov 1st, 2024 | By Dr. Jim Eckman
Peter closes his letter with an exhortation to elders, the importance of character and an emphasis on God’s grace.
Peter closes his letter with an exhortation to elders, the importance of character and an emphasis on God’s grace.
Peter offers several important truths about how believers should approach suffering in this broken world.
In light of Christ’s suffering, we are to die to the old life and live a transformed life in “these last days.”
Jesus provides the pattern of suffering for the sake of righteousness.
Peter issues a call to righteous living in the midst of acute suffering and persecution.
Peter explains the virtue of submission in the wife-husband role responsibilities.
The virtue of submission is applied to the primary economic institution of the ancient world and to the family.
Peter challenges us to see ourselves as sojourners and exiles conducting ourselves honorably, highlighting the virtue of submission to the authorities in our lives.
To receive Christ makes us “living stones,” part of the new building God is constructing with Jesus as our cornerstone and peak-stone serving as priests offering daily sacrifices to our God.
Peter summarizes the position of believers and their relationship with the heavenly Father, one characterized by reverence, faith, hope and love.