Managing Volatility In An Uncertain World

Aug 31st, 2019 | By

Despite everything that has occurred over the last five years, the United States remains the only major world power. The events leading up to World War I and World War II proved that isolationism is not a viable foreign policy. After World War II, the US put together a series of alliances and economic entities to move the world towards relative peace and economic prosperity. Through the decades of the Cold War, those systems have worked. But today, the US position is being challenged by China and, to a lesser extent, Russia. China’s growing military and economic power pose a genuine threat to the national security of the US. Time will tell whether the trade strategies President Trump is pursuing will work. But there are two areas where the US can learn from both history and common sense—Russia under Vladimir Putin and Afghanistan.

Humanity In Space: The Next Fifty Years

Aug 17th, 2019 | By

In last week’s Issues in Perspective, I explored the topic of thinking biblically about space exploration. Human beings are the only creatures created in God’s image. Among other things, that means humans represent God. We are God’s dominion stewards over His world (see Genesis 1:26ff). We have been given the authority to rule over it, to explore it, and use it as good stewards. But, given this dominion authority, human sin remains the essential challenge.

Facing The Reality Of Anti-Semitism’s Resurgence

Aug 3rd, 2019 | By

That anti-Semitism is in resurgence is a well-documented fact. The cause of this resurgence is not as clear. In this Perspective I seek to document the rather frightening evidence of growing anti-Semitism and then speculate on its causes and why this is an important issue for us as Christians.

Finding Theological Clarity Within The Immigration Debate

Jul 27th, 2019 | By

The current American immigration crisis is exacerbated by the two extremes that dominate the debate. The Democratic side often stresses repudiating the entire immigration structure, including detention camps, the deportation of non-criminal aliens, and “decriminalizing illegal entry and extending benefits to undocumented immigrants.” On the other extreme are those Republicans who deny that there is a crisis. The US has no responsibility to maintain humane conditions in the detention camps, especially for children. The migrant camp conditions are not inhumane and there is no moral responsibility to keep “vulnerable people, children above all, in the most humane conditions possible when their detention is required”

Legal And Cultural Confusion: Individual Rights And Intolerance

Jul 20th, 2019 | By

The American experiment in democracy is wrapped around precious terms such as rights and liberties: The freedom of expression; the free exercise of religion; due process rights such as legal representation; and, because of the diversity of America, principled pluralism. It is my argument that all of these freedoms are under siege. Each is being challenged by a Postmodern culture that values attaining individual autonomy through outright coercion and enforcing ideological intolerance in the name of selective exclusivity. Such developments are altering the American experiment—for the worse.

The Growing Surge Of Interest In The Occult

Jul 13th, 2019 | By

God’s Word identifies a false kingdom, the kingdom of darkness, ruled over by Satan (meaning “adversary”), which parallels and challenges God’s kingdom. It is a kingdom with false philosophies (Colossians 2:8), false religions (1 Corinthians 10:19-20), false ministers (2 Corinthians 11:14-15), false doctrine (1 Timothy 4:1; 2 Peter 2:10) and false Christs (1 John 2:18, 4:3). Satan is therefore leading a rebellion against God. The salient issue in this rebellion is who has the right to rule the universe—God or him? Apparently, one-third of the angelic host joined Satan is his rebellion. Humanity has also joined this rebellion (see Genesis 3) and, before we trust Christ, we are citizens of Satan’s kingdom.

The Student Debt Crisis: An Entitlement Debacle

Jul 6th, 2019 | By

The American higher education system has become totally dependent on its students amassing huge debt to finance a college degree. It is now a system in crisis. The basic statistics explain the nature of the crisis. Josh Mitchell of the Wall Street Journal explains that borrowers owe more than $1.5 trillion in student loans, an average of $34,000 per person. Over two million of them have defaulted on their loans in the past six years, and that number grows by 1,400 each day.

Connecting Abortion And Eugenics: Is Clarence Thomas Right?

Jun 29th, 2019 | By

In late May 2019, the Supreme Court declined to review Box v. Planned Parenthood of Indiana and Kentucky. That case was about an Indiana law that included a provision that would make it illegal for an abortion provider to perform an abortion in the state when the provider knows that the mother is seeking the abortion solely because of the child’s race, sex, diagnosis of Down syndrome, disability, or related characteristics.

Reflections On Abortion, Sexual Freedom And Autonomy And The Meaning Of Pro-Life

Jun 15th, 2019 | By

In 2019, America finds itself once again in the midst of an intense national debate about abortion. It centers on law, the Supreme Court and rights—the rights of the mother and those of the fetus. I have been reading extensively on various aspects of this emotionally wrenching ethical issue and believe, that as Christians, there are other considerations that should be factored into our thinking.

Abortion Considerations In 2019 American Culture

Jun 8th, 2019 | By

Several state legislatures continue to debate or consider laws that would grant fetal personhood, meaning that a baby growing in the womb would have the same constitutional protection as the mother carrying the child. As a dimension of this discussion, several states are considering “fetal heartbeat” bills that would ban abortion after detection of a heartbeat, which can be as early as six weeks into a pregnancy. Alabama and Missouri, for example, recently enacted laws prohibiting in effect all abortions except for circumstances where the health of the mother is in jeopardy.