Climate Change: A Historical And Biblical Perspective

Feb 29th, 2020 | By

The phrase “climate change” is an incendiary one. There are the “alarmists” who often posit a scenario of end-of-life-as-we know-it. And there are the “deniers,” who argue that it is all a hoax. But any intellectually honest person cannot deny the partial relationship between human emissions of greenhouse gases and a warming climate, which cannot be denied. Being concerned about climate change is a genuine expression of our faith as Christians.

Thinking Wisely And Biblically About The 2020 War On Capitalism

Feb 22nd, 2020 | By

Two candidates for the Democratic presidential nomination—Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren—have declared war on American capitalism. Columnist Bret Stephens cites Brian Riedl of the Manhattan Institute, who has tried to calculate the costs of the programs these two candidates have proposed

A 2020 Priority: Understanding Russia And China

Jan 18th, 2020 | By

The United States faces a new world order as we begin 2020. It is an unstable world filled with uncertainties and significant threats. It is thus important to remind ourselves as Americans that Russia and China remain the two formidable enemies of the US. Each has goals that run counter to American interests and each poses both a global and a military danger. We must understand them.

Wise Counsel For 2020: Psalm 1

Jan 4th, 2020 | By

Wisdom is a curious term, often difficult to define. The Bible presents wisdom as a practical outworking of profound truths centered in God’s Word. Several times it affirms that “The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom” (e.g., Psalm 111:10; Proverbs 1:7). The wisdom literature of the Old Testament further adds terms such as prudence, discernment, understanding, and discretion to characteristics of wisdom. As we begin 2020, perhaps it is beneficial to refresh our understanding of what a life of wisdom looks like.

“The Business” Of Christmas

Dec 21st, 2019 | By

In Charles Dickens’s “A Christmas Carol,” the dialogue between the ghost of Jacob Marley and Ebenezer Scrooge is most enlightening. As Scrooge protests Marley’s intervention, he declares that Marley “was always a good man of business,” to which Marley responds: “Business! . . . Mankind was my business. The common welfare was my business: charity, mercy, forbearance, benevolence, were all my business.” The feverish materialism of the Christmas season seems to side with Scrooge’s miserly greed, not Marley’s redeemed perspective.

Is Genetic Profiling A Eugenics Tipping Point?

Dec 14th, 2019 | By

In 1947 C.S. Lewis published The Abolition of Man, in which he charted the “negation of human dignity in the name of progress.” He lived long enough to see the accuracy of his assessment: “For the power of Man to make himself what he pleases means, as we have seen, the power of some men to make other men what they please.” Historian Joseph Loconte of King’s College speaks of “an echo of another era of medical innovation amid moral ambiguity.”

Vaping And The Legalization Of Marijuana

Nov 30th, 2019 | By

Medical doctors are beginning to link the devastating wave of lung injuries and deaths to the vaping of marijuana. [Invented in China in the early 2000s, vaping refers to an “electronic cigarette,” which uses heating elements to vaporize liquids, usually containing nicotine, but now also containing an ingredient from marijuana.]

The Secular Creed’s Threat To The American Experiment

Nov 16th, 2019 | By

The American democratic experiment is in trouble. Founded on the principles of equality and liberty of all citizens before the law, the Constitution protects the “free exercise” of religious beliefs in the First Amendment. Throughout the history of this Republic, the national government has fought to protect the free exercise of religious beliefs.

Trump’s Betrayal Causes A Perilous Re-alignment In The Middle East

Oct 26th, 2019 | By

The United States had been negotiating with Turkey for months to establish a safe zone in the Middle East that would protect both Kurdish and Turkish interests, all the while maintaining the remarkable gains made against the Islamic State (ISIS). But, to the astonishment of everyone, after a phone call with President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, President Trump ordered US troops to retreat from northern Syria.

Sex Education In Our Public Schools: Confusion And Apostasy

Oct 19th, 2019 | By

Recently, the American Psychological Association (APA) declared that “polyamory,” “swinging,” and “relationship anarchy” are “healthy and ethical.” The APA is a powerful organization that has a significant influence over how public school educators plan and write curriculum. Will public educators who are educating and training the next generation of leaders in America, buy into this declaration?