Racism And The Church: America’s Ugly Legacy

Jun 20th, 2020 | By

The brutal murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis by a city policeman comes in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, massive unemployment and fear stoked by uncertainty and tragedy.  In addition, the nation lacks the calming moral leadership that can foster unity and oneness of purpose.  Instead, there is division and bullying.  The demonstrations that
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Important COVID-19 Observations And Lessons

Jun 6th, 2020 | By

The COVID-19 virus has disrupted our lives and devastated the American and indeed the world economy. No one can authoritatively declare when we will return to any semblance of “normal.” But, as with all things in life, are there lessons we can learn? Among many other things, it once again demonstrates how fragile life really is. It also demonstrates that if we trust in material things (e.g., our job, our wealth, our health) for our security, it can vanish almost instantly. I believe it is important and thoroughly biblical for us to learn from historical events.

Accommodating To The LGBTQIA Agenda

May 30th, 2020 | By

In 2020, American civilization is witnessing a thorough-going accommodation to the LGBTQIA agenda. [LGBTQIA=Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgendered, Queer (i.e., questioning their sexual identity), Intersex (i.e., those born gender-ambiguous), Asexual (i.e., sexuality is ill-defined)]. There is no longer significant discussion about the ethical values, virtues or standards associated with human sexuality.

The US National Debt: A Tipping Point?

May 23rd, 2020 | By

The United States is embarking upon an experiment in borrowing without precedent, as the government and corporations take on trillions of dollars of debt to offset the economic damage from the COVID-19 pandemic.

Thoughts About The Church In 2020

May 16th, 2020 | By

Year 2020 so far has been chaotic and, some would say, cataclysmic. The COVID-19 virus, the economic and financial collapse of the world economy, and the poisonous politics of our nation have caused disruption to our lives. But there have also been remarkable demonstrations of compassion, creative ways to maintain communication during the isolation (e.g., Zoom) and astonishing acts of generosity across America and the world. The events of this year have also caused me to think deeply about the church of Jesus Christ.

Vladimir Putin: Seeking Dictatorial Power In Russia

May 2nd, 2020 | By

Vladimir Putin has been president of Russia since 2000, with a short stint as Prime Minister so that he could stay in power. He has solidified his grasp on power since then and, in many ways, already has dictatorial power. He now seeks to enhance that power with a distinct power grab in Russia. On 10 March, the Duma, Russia’s parliament, voted to approve constitutional changes proposed by Putin, and added one that resets the number of terms he can serve. Under the current constitution, he would need to stand down in 2024; under the new arrangement, he could rule until 2036, perhaps longer.

The Coming Crisis In Funding Retirement Benefits

Apr 25th, 2020 | By

Baby boomers (those born between 1946 and 1964) are retiring in record numbers and are living longer. Because high-income workers have experienced faster wage growth than the rest of the population, a greater share of US wages is now exempt from the payroll tax, which stops at $132,900. Result? A smaller tax base to fund Social Security benefits. Thus, Social Security costs are projected to exceed income next year for the first time since 1982, forcing the program to dip into its nearly $3 trillion trust fund, built up when payroll taxes exceeded benefits.

COVID-19 And America’s Psychological State

Apr 18th, 2020 | By

As I write this, it is difficult to accurately read the psychological state of Americans right now. We have had weeks of forced isolation throughout much of the nation and the nearly universal practice of social distancing. All of this goes against our human nature: God made us for community and COVID-19 is challenging this fundamental axiom of the human condition. Consequently, for nearly all of us, we are experiencing a profound loss of freedom accompanied by a genuine fear and sense of danger posed by the virus. The result is often a measure of emotional stress, confusion and fear. Let’s think biblically about all this.

Fear And Anger In American Culture: The Coronavirus And The Church

Mar 21st, 2020 | By

The coronavirus currently racing across the world and now America has fostered fear and, for some, panic. Fear of the unknown is riveting and saps us of our trust in almost everything, including God. The fear and panic in response to the coronavirus are exacerbated by the subsequent carnage in the equity and financial markets. You see it in people’s eyes as you talk with them and you hear it in their conversation. We are facing something we cannot control—and it causes panic.

Is Celibacy A New Testament Requirement For Spiritual Leadership?

Mar 14th, 2020 | By

One of the most significant and contentious issues under discussion during the Catholic Synod of Bishops for the Pan-Amazonian Region, held in October 2019, was the question of whether to allow married men in that region to become priests. The reason for this consideration is the significant shortage of priests among indigenous people groups in the Amazon region. “Due to the shortage, many indigenous Catholics in that region are unable to regularly celebrate the Mass and receive other forms of pastoral care.”