Galatians 1:1-10
Mar 31st, 2023 | By Dr. Jim EckmanPaul presents himself as an apostle of Christ and expresses his shock that the Galatian churches are turning to “another” gospel.
Paul presents himself as an apostle of Christ and expresses his shock that the Galatian churches are turning to “another” gospel.
Solomon closes out his argument in the book with three admonitions.
Solomon probes the providence of God and its relationship to human joy and wisdom.
Solomon probes the value of living a wise life vs. a foolish one, including how the wise person responds to authority.
Since God’s providence is real, does prosperity evidence God’s blessing and adversity evidence God’s anger?
Solomon further explores the mysteries of God’s sovereignty and providence, and the gift of joy that He offers humanity.
Solomon begins to investigate the mysteries of life in light of God’s providence.
Solomon draws three strategic conclusions from God’s providence over His world. Digg this post Recommend on Facebook Buzz it up Share via MySpace share via Reddit Share with Stumblers Tweet about it Bookmark in Browser Tell a friend
Solomon ends his discussion of the futility of materialism and brings God into his evaluation of the meaning of life.
Solomon lives a life of complete self-indulgence, discovering that it too is futile and empty.