James 3:1-18
Jul 28th, 2023 | By Dr. Jim Eckman
James argues that controlling our speech is the mark of self-control and calls for wisdom and understanding in the believer’s life.
James argues that controlling our speech is the mark of self-control and calls for wisdom and understanding in the believer’s life.
Partiality is a sin before God and demonstrates a denial of the Royal Law of our King.
James details the 3 aspects of true “religion” and condemns “partiality” as an affront to God.
God is the giver of only good gifts and we should respond to HIs Word as disicplined doers, not heedless hearers.
There is a democracy to God’s testing of believers but God never tempts anyone.
James explains how God’s curriculum for spiritual growth involves trials and the testings of our faith.
The gospel of justification by faith produces a life of service.
Paul contrasts walking by the Flesh and walking by the Spirit.
Paul defends the freedom believers have in Christ against the legalists and grace-killers in the church.
Paul concludes his defense of justification by faith with a personal appeal and an allegory.