All entries by this author

A Crisis in World Leadership

Sep 20th, 2014 | By

Because this summer is the 100th anniversary of the beginning of World War I, I have read several books this summer on the beginnings of this horrific war, a war that dismantled four great empires, remade the Middle East and laid the groundwork for World War II, an even more catastrophic war.

Philippians 1:1-5

Sep 17th, 2014 | By

Join us as we begin a new study of the book of Philippians. We begin with a historical overview of Paul’s writings, and break down the significance of how Paul greets the people of Philippi in this letter.

The Islamic State: The New Jihad?

Sep 13th, 2014 | By

ISIS or ISIL (The Islamic State in Iraq and Syria [or in the Levant]) is arguably the most dangerous and ruthless expression of the doctrine of Islamic jihad in modern times. ISIS (or what is now more commonly referred to as simply the Islamic State) is a breakaway from al Qaeda and can only be understood in contrast to al Qaeda. Understanding ISIS is the main thrust of this edition of Issues in Perspective.

Intolerance, Persecution and the War on Religious Liberty: A World in Chaos

Sep 6th, 2014 | By

The Middle East is in chaos right now. The political/military nature of this chaos also has a religious dimension to it. There is an intense persecution of Christians that accompanies this chaos and this persecution is causing a massive displacement of populations in areas associated with the early church. Further, this chaos is spilling over into Europe where there is a growing anti-Semitism. There are several interconnected developments that resemble Europe before World War II or the Middle East before World War I.

Ecclesiastes 12:1-14

Sep 5th, 2014 | By

Solomon encourages us to live responsible lives in our youth, to set the stage for later years. He then concludes with his guidance for living life: trust God, walk with him in Faith, and obey Him, because everything we do is important.

Israel and Hamas: A Study in the World?s Hypocrisy

Aug 30th, 2014 | By

The war of attrition being waged by Hamas against Israel grinds on. There is every evidence that Israel is clearly winning this war, but it grinds on nonetheless. In this conflict, the world?s response to this war of attrition is interesting. In fact, the world?s response is a study in hypocrisy, for it holds Israel to a standard to which it holds no other nation.

Ecclesiastes 10:12-12:10

Aug 29th, 2014 | By

As we near the end of our study of Ecclesiastes, Solomon explains what a life of Faith, Trust, and Obedience to God should look like.

Cultural Dysfunction in 21st-Century America

Aug 23rd, 2014 | By

One of my favorite columnists is New York Times columnist David Brooks. In one of his columns in May he wrote: ?In 1966, 86% of college freshmen said that developing a meaningful philosophy of life was essential or very important. Today, less than half say a meaningful philosophy of life is that important. University of Michigan studies suggest that today?s students score about 40% lower in measures of empathy than students did 30 years ago.?

Ecclesiastes 8:16-9:16

Aug 21st, 2014 | By

Solomon shares his message of God’s providence as it relates to human joy: man cannot begin to comprehend God & his infinite power & wisdom, so we are to walk in faith, while trusting & obeying Him, and enjoy all the days of our lives.

Israel, Hamas and the Complicated Middle East: Reasons for Optimism?

Aug 16th, 2014 | By

As I am writing this, the Gaza war between Hamas and Israel is in a quasi-ceasefire mode, but some fighting has resumed in Gaza. Difficult negotiations in Cairo have begun over the major issues that brought about the conflict. It is a complicated set of issues with many layers and tentacles that connect most of the major players in the Middle East. In addition, there is evidence that this Gaza war has further isolated Israel, especially when it comes to Western Europe.