All entries by this author

Gender Dysphoria and Teenage Vulnerability

Dec 9th, 2017 | By

Gender Dysphoria is generally explained as distress caused by a mismatch between felt and perceived gender identity?between the sex on the birth certificate and how one feels. The Williams Institute, a Los Angeles think-tank, estimates that 1.4 million Americans (0.06% of those aged 16-65) are transgender. According to The Economist, ?young people say that gender matters less than it used to, which sits oddly with the spreading belief that gender dysphoria can be severe enough to justify the upheaval and risks of transitioning.? Furthermore, ?gender identity? in 2017 has come to mean how people feel or present themselves, as distinct from biological sex or sexual orientation.

1 Peter 4:1-7

Dec 8th, 2017 | By

Peter reminds us that as Christians, we have a new position in Christ; we are to die to our old life & be conformed to the image of Jesus, as we line up our minds & will with that of God.

1 Peter 3:17-22

Dec 6th, 2017 | By

Peter teaches that as we suffer & go through difficult times, remember Christ’s suffering: It was for us & accomplished our redemption. It completed His work, as we identify with Him in His death, burial, & resurrection.

Evangelical Politics and the Loss of Moral Authority

Dec 2nd, 2017 | By

The clear teaching of the Bible is that all humans are sinners and in need of God?s grace. Historically in the United States, evangelical Christians have agreed with these propositions and have faithfully proclaimed the Gospel. Consistently, evangelicals have been known as people who oppose ?worldliness,? the tendency to adopt and condone the world?s assumptions and its worldview. By its nature, the Gospel is countercultural and evangelicals have adopted that lifestyle and perspective. But as evangelical Christian, William S. Brewbaker III, law professor at the University of Alabama, has so eloquently concluded, ?Today?s evangelicals have mostly abandoned those limitations, but we seem especially blind to other kinds of worldliness. Evangelical politicians fall prey to the allure of money, sex and power at the same rates as just about everyone else . . .?

1 Peter 3:13-16

Nov 30th, 2017 | By

Peter teaches on the blessing of suffering for righteousness, and guides us on how to handle ourselves when others challenges our Faith.

The Brutal Legacy of 100 Years of Communism

Nov 25th, 2017 | By

On 7 November 1917 (25 October 1917 by the old Russian calendar) a group of ideological communists (called Bolsheviks) led an uprising that led to the Bolsheviks seizing power and establishing the first major communist government in history. During the years of the Soviet Union, this date was lavishly celebrated as The Great October Socialist Revolution. With the collapse of the Soviet Union and the end of that totalitarian dictatorship, Russians have been confused about how to recognize this important date in their history. This year, 2017, one would expect there to be significant celebrations marking the 100th anniversary of the Bolshevik Revolution. But 7 November 2017 was merely recognized as ?the revolution of 1917 in Russia.? No major celebrations or national events were scheduled.

1 Peter 3:8-12

Nov 22nd, 2017 | By

Dr. Eckman details more of the virtues of Righteousness, as part of Peter’s writings about Righteous Living.

The Enduring Importance of the Balfour Declaration

Nov 18th, 2017 | By

On 2 November 1917, a letter was delivered to the Jewish community of Great Britain by the British government committing His Majesties Government to the creation of a ?national home? in Palestine for the Jewish people. This ?declaration? changed the course of history. For that reason, Benjamin Netanyahu, Israel?s Prime Minister, attended a dinner in London on 2 November 2017 with Theresa May, Britain’s Prime Minister, to celebrate the issuing of this letter 100 years ago. Lord Balfour, a descendant of the man who sent the letter, now called the Balfour Declaration, also attended. The Palestinians regard this Declaration as a ?great betrayal? and Mahmoud Abbas has demanded that Great Britain apologize for this Declaration, not celebrate it.

What Does It Mean to Be a Conservative in 2017?

Nov 11th, 2017 | By

Until quite recently, if someone mentioned ?conservative? it was rather clear what that meant?generally a commitment to limited government, individual liberty, and free trade. In 2017 the meaning of ?conservative? is no longer clear. Senator Tom Cotton of Arkansas recently wrote: ?Last year, for the first time in our nation?s history, the American people elected as president someone with no high government experience?not a senator, not a congressman, not a governor, not a cabinet secretary, not a general. They did this, I believe, because they?ve lost faith in both the competence and the intentions of our governing class?of both parties! . . .?

1 Peter 3:7-9

Nov 10th, 2017 | By

Peter presents the obligations of Christian husbands, and calls readers to Righteous Living; Dr. Eckman leads discussion of the virtues of Righteousness.