Romans 3:21-3:31
Jul 15th, 2022 | By Dr. Jim Eckman
The saving Righteousness and the judging righteousness of God meet at the cross making it possible for God to justify all those who place their faith In Jesus and His finished work.
The saving Righteousness and the judging righteousness of God meet at the cross making it possible for God to justify all those who place their faith In Jesus and His finished work.
The Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) is in grave crisis. In May, the SBC released a report, the “Report of the Independent Investigation,” produced by a third-party investigator, Guidepost Solutions, and totaling almost 300 pages, which “alleged that the denomination’s top leaders had suppressed reports of sexual abuse, opposed proposals for reform, and denigrated and discouraged abuse victims who approached them for help. One of the report’s most shocking revelations was the existence of an internal list of 703 suspected abusers, compiled by an employee of the denomination’s executive committee, its national leadership body.”
Paul answers three Jewish objections and then demonstrates the universal depravity of all humanity.
First, a review of the 1973 Roe decision. In December 1971, the Court heard oral arguments brought by an anonymous plaintiff, which contended that the Texas laws forbidding her from having an abortion were unconstitutional. A majority of the justices agreed. Harry Blackman was assigned the responsibility to write the opinion, but he was uncertain where in the Constitution this legal right was grounded and how late in the pregnancy the right was to be granted. He grounded his decision on an implied right of privacy found in the Constitution.
Paul reviews the witness of God’s law on our hearts and the witness of human conscience.
Former Vice President Mike Pence has never hidden his faith in Jesus Christ or his values and standards as a Christian. In terms of loyalty to the president over his four years of service (2017-2021), Pence was exemplary. But, when faced with the brutal realties of the insurrection on 6 January 2021 and the pressure he was feeling from the president, his faith gave him the stability and forthrightness to do the right thing—to stand for truth and to defend the Constitution. Let’s think together about the heroic courage of Mike Pence on that fateful day in January 2021.
Paul details the three consequences of rejecting God’s revelation–perverse human sexuality, a depraved mind and the downward spiral of evil.
Samuel Goh, lecturer of Old Testament at Brisbane Theological Seminary in Australia, has recently written of the “social reality” of American evangelicalism: A polarization that is paralyzing the evangelical church. Consider some of his observations
Paul explains the three reasons for his letter and proposes the thesis of his book: justification by faith.
In 1988, Mother Teresa and James Lovelock, advocate of the Gaia hypothesis, got into an argument at Oxford University’s Global Forum for Survival. [The doctrine of Gaia, most famously represented in Rosemary Ruether’s book Gaia and God: An Ecofeminist Theology of Earth Healing, argues that male domination of women and male domination of nature are interconnected. She defines “sin” as wrong relationships among human beings and between them and the rest of nature that foster not just economic and political injustice and racism and sexism, but also the destruction of the entire created order. The Gaia hypothesis centers on the thesis that the earth is a living creature. The theory, in fact, imputes a kind of divine power to the Earth.