Revelation 11:1-14
Dec 4th, 2015 | By Dr. Jim EckmanChapter 11 of the Book of Revelation introduces us to two key players in the Day of the Lord: the Two Witnesses, and to the Anti-Christ.
Chapter 11 of the Book of Revelation introduces us to two key players in the Day of the Lord: the Two Witnesses, and to the Anti-Christ.
We discuss the sounding of the 6th Trumpet, and John’s vision of a mighty angel which reaffirms John’s prophetical calling & prepares us for the horrific things to come.
More than 90% of presidents and prime ministers are men, as are nearly all corporate executives. In some areas of culture, men arguably dominate (e.g., finance, technology, film, sports). But that reality is changing?and rather rapidly. In fact, although men cluster at the top of worldwide culture, they also cluster at the bottom. Men are far more likely to be in jail, be estranged from their children or to commit suicide.
Since 2014, President Obama has consistently underestimated ISIS. For example, in January of 2014, he characterized ISIS as the ?JV? team and that it ?was not a direct threat to us or something that we have to wade into.? Shortly before the horrific ISIS attack in Paris last week, he declared that ?I don?t think [ISIS] is gaining strength? for ?we have contained them.? However, ISIS recently blew up a Russian airliner over the Sinai, engineered a bombing in Lebanon, and has expanded into more than half-dozen countries?and then carried out the strategic and coordinated attack in Paris; the worst attack on Paris since World War II.
The Sounding of the Seven Trumpets: Dr. Eckman leads as we discuss the first 5 Trumpets & the earthly catastrophe that will come with each.
Life is about choices, both individual choices and institutional choices. Government is the most significant institution in most of our lives. It sets policy and then organizes resources, usually through taxation, to fund those policy choices. Throughout much of the world, governmental institutions and their political leaders believe that climate change is the result of human choices. Therefore, we must alter those individual choices so that climate warming will slow. Those governmental policy choices to effect individual, personal change will necessitate an enormous transfer of wealth and national treasure.
The opening of the Seven Seals in John’s vision describe the events that will come upon God’s people immediately prior to the Second Coming. We also discuss the Tribulation Saints: 144,000 from the tribes of Israel who will be God’s witnesses in a post-Tribulation world.
Bernie Sanders, a candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination, has declared himself a democratic socialist, which means that he rejects capitalism. Sanders manifests a troubling development within the Democratic Party?a skepticism about or an outright rejection of capitalism. In socialism, generally, the means of production are owned by the public (i.e., the state) or by the workers, so that the state can provide a wide range of basic services (e.g., health care, education, child care, housing, energy, etc.) to its citizens free of charge or at a significant discount. This necessitates a redistribution of national income and wealth via the power of the state.
Dr. Eckman leads discussion of the scroll & Seven Seals: John’s vision focuses on why we should worship Jesus, the One worthy to open the Seals.
We live in a technological age in which science dominates our thinking and offers solutions to many of our fundamental problems. We depend on science and hold this discipline of human knowledge higher than we hold others (e.g., history, literature). At the end of the Scientific Revolution (the 17th century), Sir Isaac Newton synthesized the work of others with his own original thinking, and produced a compressive understanding of the laws of the physical world. We owe him much [. . .]