Acts 25:7-26:32
Mar 22nd, 2019 | By Dr. Jim Eckman
Paul pleads his case & the case for Christ before King Agrippa.
Paul pleads his case & the case for Christ before King Agrippa.
Some in the progressive left of the Democratic Party are advocating a form of “Democratic Socialism” as the solution to “the inequality in American society and to an economy rigged in the favor of vested interests.” Bernie Sanders is of course the standard bearer of this movement (and to some extent, Elizabeth Warren), but it is now being energized by more radical socialists, principally Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.
Paul is taken into custody & makes his plea to Felix, the Roman governor at Caesarea, who leaves Paul in jail & his case goes unheard. The case drags on for 2 years, & is taken up by Festus.
One of the major political struggles of our day is whether nations are embracing a democratic order, centered in the will of the people, or an authoritarian one, characterized by a strongman who satisfies the demand for a more muscular, assertive leader. After World War II, the optimistic vision was of a more democratic, open world with free trade, open borders and empowered citizens throughout the world. That vision appears to be dead. In fact, some would argue that the world is embracing a more authoritarian order.
Paul addresses the Jews at Jerusalem, making his case with his credentials, upbringing, and zeal for God’s Word, in sharing how Jesus is the Messiah. The Sanhedrin become divided, which leads to a plot to kill Paul.
Years ago, I read an article written by the late Chuck Colson, who made this observation about ethical issues in Western Civilization: “What was once unthinkable, become debatable and then gradually becomes acceptable.” I do not know whether this was original with Colson or whether he borrowed it from someone else, but many times I have affirmed the accuracy of this reflection. I guess I have become hardened as I have gotten older, but I find myself rarely stunned by cultural accommodation anymore. Developments I once regarded as unthinkable are now accepted widely and enthusiastically.
Paul returns to Jerusalem: his presence stirs the city, leading to his arrest.
Paul lays out a warning to the pastoral leadership of the local church, encouraging them to soundly teach the Word to their flock, while being aware of internal & external influences that can corrupt.
The new term for the left wing of the Democratic Party is “progressive.” Presumably, this is less incendiary in our political culture than the term “liberal.” In many of the constituencies of the progressive left, there is a concerted effort to promote an anti-Israel, even a blatant anti-Semitic position.
Since the 1973 Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision, American civilization has been engaged in a “culture war” between those who seek to protect a woman’s right to have an abortion and those who seek to protect the rights of the fetus as a human being. There are no signs of this “war” subsiding or ending soon. Two developments at the state level indicate both the zealous emotion and the total confusion that reign supreme in our civilization over this issue.