Coming To Terms With The Threat Of Iran And China

Nov 13th, 2021 | By

With the end of the Cold War, many assumed the world would enter a period of stability and relative peace. With the growth of Islamic terrorism and the rise of China as a formidable economic and military power these assumptions died. The US remains a world power and is the only power that has the ability to check both the growth of Iran and China. Both are genuine threats to the US and to the world. Permit me an overview of these two alarming powers threating the stability and peace of the world.

Israel: The Good News And The Bad

Oct 30th, 2021 | By

My wife and I have found that the daily news is a ceaseless burden. The supreme optimist, Steven Pinker, observes that if you were “to read the news every day for a few decades it would be easy to miss the progress that had been made over that span.” Part of the explanation for this is the time period in question: good things usually happen incrementally, bad things (like natural disasters or murders) happen in shorter chunks of time. The “bad things” oddly, get more coverage.

America 2021: Resentment, Alienation, Endless Political Dysfunction

Oct 16th, 2021 | By

American civilization is in trouble. One troubling symptom is what sociologists are now calling “tribalism” within our civilization. In one sense, the state of our civilization resembles the period between 1850-1860, when the battle lines between the north and the south hardened, which ultimately produced the Civil War (1861-1865). But, the tribalism of 2021 is different. It is not about slavery and the direction of America—slave or free. It is much deeper.

American Higher Education And American Culture, 2021

Oct 9th, 2021 | By

Colonial America saw the founding of important institutions of higher education, all of which stressed preparing men for leadership in the colonies, especially spiritual leadership: Harvard (1636), Yale (1701), the College of William and Mary (1693), the College of New Jersey [later known as Princeton University] (1746), and the Academy of Philadelphia [later known as the University of Pennsylvania] (1755). As each developed a unique intellectual identity, each wrestled with Puritan theology or Anglican theology, as well as the 18th century Enlightenment, which by the 1740s was penetrating all facets of American intellectual life. Each produced the key leaders of the American movement towards independence from Great Britain (e.g., Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, and James Madison). These educational institutions were centers of both Protestant Reformation thinking and Enlightenment thinking. The tension that arose between these two intellectual and theological revolutions shaped the development of America.

Abortion Update, 2021

Oct 2nd, 2021 | By

The Supreme Court decision in 1973, Roe v. Wade was a watershed in judicial history. The 7-2 decision established the right of a woman to abort her baby up to the point of viability, usually understood to be during the first trimester of the pregnancy. The Court also permitted other situations where an abortion could occur within the 2nd and 3rd trimesters. The result was that America had one of the most liberal abortion standards in the world. Abortion therefore has been at the center of the culture war battles since 1973. It is far from resolved and it has further polarized American culture.

The Insidious Nature Of Gambling, 2021

Sep 18th, 2021 | By

The mission of Issues in Perspective is to provide thoughtful, historical and biblically-centered perspectives on current ethical and cultural issues. Once again, the insidious nature of gambling is being exposed in the state of Nebraska, the state in which I live.  Nebraska sports’ betting is now legal after Gov. Pete Ricketts, earlier this year, signed
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Reflections On America’s Longest War

Sep 11th, 2021 | By

The war in Afghanistan lasted 19 years and 47 weeks, beginning with the first bombing of the Taliban on 7 October 2001. It was America’s longest war. Over the past two decades, the U.S. has been able to claim some accomplishments: American troops killed Osama bin Laden (in Pakistan, not Afghanistan) and captured or killed other architects of the 9/11 attacks. Afghanistan was temporarily turned into a democracy where schools improved and women could live more freely than before. For all of the bravery and sacrifice of the Afghan and American troops who fought together, their leaders failed to create an enduring government or functioning military.

A Crisis Of Confidence Within The Catholic Church: The Eucharist And The Latin Mass

Aug 21st, 2021 | By

At the very heart of Roman Catholic theology and practice is the Eucharist: The sacrificial presence of Jesus Christ in the elements of the Eucharist. At the prayer of consecration, the bread and the wine become the literal body and blood of Jesus. [The Church interprets the statements of Jesus, “This is my body” and “This is my blood” (Mark 14:22, 24), as the literal body and blood of Jesus. This doctrinal belief is called transubstantiation, which was made part of the official theology of Roman Catholicism in 1215.] It is His sacrificial presence which the believer receives when partaking of the elements that makes the Eucharist a sacrament, one of the several means by which God conveys salvific grace.

Cryopreservation And The Doctrine Of The Ressurection

Jul 24th, 2021 | By

One of the surprising consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic with its heightened awareness of human mortality has been an interest in cryopreservation. Two major international corporations—KryoRus, which has operated in Moscow since 2006, and an American corporation, Alcor Life Extension Foundation centered in Scottsdale, Arizona—have received record numbers of inquiries in 2021. In addition, the American Society of Cryonics has been offering support services since 1969 to people interested in preserving their bodies or their brains.

Israel vs. Hamas: An Irreconcilable Conflict

Jun 26th, 2021 | By

Senior columnist for the Israeli newspaper Haaretz, Ari Shavit, has written that the 20th century was “the most dramatic century in the dramatic history of the Jews. In its first half, we lost a third of our people. But the second half of the century was miraculous. In North America, we created the perfect diaspora, while in the land of Israel we established modern Jewish sovereignty. The Jews of the 21st century have today what their great-grandparents could only dream of: equality, freedom, prosperity, dignity.