Is It Possible to Be a Moral Conservative in 2012?

Mar 10th, 2012 | By

In a recent article in Time magazine, David Von Drehle posits that there is a conservative identity crisis in America today.  The term ?conservative? is a popular term in America.  Indeed, Von Drehle shows that according to polls, conservatism is the most ?popular philosophy in the US:  2 in every 5 Americans say they embrace
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Religious Liberty vs. The State

Feb 11th, 2012 | By

Near the end of January 2012, an extraordinary development affecting the cause of religious liberty occurred and the media hardly reported on it. In my judgment, it is one of the most underreported stories in recent memory. For the first time in American history, the state is ordering religious institutions to provide insurance coverage for employees that must include contraceptives, including those that may induce abortion.

The Buffett Tax: Evidence of a Lack of Leadership

Feb 4th, 2012 | By

Since World War II, the federal government has been distributing more benefits to more people without mandating higher taxes. The result is a welfare state with ever-growing dependency on the government?at all levels. As public policy, this formula is now bankrupt?and will soon result in the bankruptcy of this nation.

Mitt Romney?s Wealth and the State of the Republican Party

Jan 28th, 2012 | By

The rather shocking outcome of the South Carolina primary is a metaphor for the state of the Republican Party. During the campaign in South Carolina and especially during the major debate right before the primary, the wealth and taxes of Mitt Romney seemed to be the primary issue.

Tim Tebow and Evangelicalism

Jan 21st, 2012 | By

Jon Meacham, associated with Time magazine and an important American writer on religious issues, has written that Tim ?Tebow is perhaps the most significant Evangelical Christian in the country. Depending on your point of view, his rise is a thoroughly American story of honest conviction or of ostentatious piety, of faith and family or of aggressive sectarianism??

America?s New Energy Security

Jan 7th, 2012 | By

Oil consumption in America remains an important issue for our economy and for our national security. Our nation, however, has become more efficient in its use of petroleum and has secured new energy sources, as shown recently by Daniel Yergin. How did this startling development occur?

President Obama?s Speech and the Welfare State

Dec 17th, 2011 | By

On 6 December 2011, President Obama delivered an important speech at Osawatomie, Kansas, site of the famous 1910 Teddy Roosevelt speech. In this Perspective, I hope to not so much evaluate his speech but focus on the much larger issue of the role of the welfare state in our lives.

Worldview, Values and the World Economy

Dec 10th, 2011 | By

Over 100 years ago, a path-breaking book by the famed sociologist Max Weber was published in which, among other things, Weber made a profoundly important argument about the connection between religion and economics.

The Political Demise of Herman Cain

Dec 10th, 2011 | By

Herman Cain spent a part of his life in Omaha, Nebraska, where I live. Shortly after I became president of Grace University I met him.

The Collapse of the Supercommittee on the Budget

Dec 3rd, 2011 | By

Just before Thanksgiving, congressional leaders admitted that there would be no deal to reduce the US budget deficit by $1.2 trillion over ten years. Although this is not a surprise, it has significant ramifications for our nation.