Being A Pro-Life Christian In 2021

Feb 20th, 2021 | By

January 22 is always a dark day in American history, for in 1973 Roe v. Wade legalized abortion across America. The case denied the rights of the unborn and instead gave women the “right” to decide to end her pregnancy. It established the precedent that a woman’s right to choose is more important than a child’s right to live. It therefore demeaned life in the womb as unworthy in comparison to the mother and it established the false ideology that one human is more important than another.

Thinking About 2021: Certainties And Uncertainties

Jan 30th, 2021 | By

Most of us were ready to say goodbye to 2020, a year filled with so much darkness: The disruptive, deadly COVID pandemic; toxic politics; wildfires in the West; a record number of hurricanes; and worldwide economic and financial disarray. This darkness is intensified by the utter confusion that plagues our Postmodern culture, a confusion marked by a seeming inability to answer two simple questions—“what is right” and “who am I?”

Thinking Biblically About COVID-19 Vaccines

Jan 23rd, 2021 | By

The COVID-19 pandemic has upended and disrupted almost every facet of our lives. Since the pandemic began in early 2020, medical and political leaders have declared that only a widely used vaccine will check this pandemic. Amazingly, months after the COVID-19 virus was detected and entered into our vocabulary, a successful vaccine has now been developed. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has provided emergency authorization for the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines against the coronavirus.

Celebrating The Feast Of Epiphany In America 2021

Jan 16th, 2021 | By

On the traditional church calendar, January 6 is called the Feast of Epiphany, “when Christians celebrate how the light of Christ spreads to all nations. The season of Epiphany—also called Theophany in the East—focuses on Jesus’ revelation of his true identity to all the world.” In the West, it centers on the Magi finding Jesus. “In the weeks ahead, the Epiphany season recalls the baptism of Christ and the wedding at Cana, Jesus’ first miracle.”

Economic And Financial Realities For 2021

Jan 9th, 2021 | By

The economic and financial realities facing the new administration of President-elect Joe Biden are formidable. The national debt has skyrocketed under President Trump. This enormous increase resulted from President Trump’s tax cut policies and the staggering increase in national government spending to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic (over $3 trillion, all financed by debt). Furthermore, during the Trump presidency, the trade policies of the United States were radically upended. Both of these policy changes will have a profound impact on the direction of US economic and financial policies for both the near- and long-term.

Why Christmas?

Dec 26th, 2020 | By

Christmas is an intriguing and agreeable story: The tale of an unwed mother and an ostracized family, angelic messengers, noble shepherds, magi from the East and a tyrannical king. But, Christmas has a prequel; it only makes sense within the context of the larger story of what God is doing in the world.

What Is The Basis For Security And Identity In 2020?

Dec 12th, 2020 | By

In a recent article in The Atlantic, columnist David Brooks commented on the necessity of personal security for human flourishing to occur. Correctly, he observes the multi-faceted nature of “security.” It involves financial, emotional, social and personal identity categories, each of which demonstrates how complicated human beings are when it comes to what produces security in their lives.

The Boundaries Of Transgender Rights

Nov 28th, 2020 | By

When it comes to gender issues in Western Civilization, confusion reigns supreme. Arguably, the next dimension of the postmodern sexual revolution, indeed the next civil rights movement, is the transgender one. Kay Steinmetz of Time magazine writes, “Transgender people—those who identify with a gender other than the sex they were ‘assigned at birth,’ to use the preferred phrase among trans activists—are emerging from the margins to fight for an equal place in society.”

Gene-Editing, The Nobel Prize And Ethics: Questions That Cannot Be Ignored

Nov 14th, 2020 | By

In early October 2020, Emmanuelle Charpentier (director of the Max Planck Unit for the Science of Pathogens in Berlin) and Jennifer A. Doudna (professor at the University of California, Berkeley) were awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for their 2012 work on Crispir-Cas9, a method to edit DNA. It was the first time the award went to two women. Their 2012 paper was a pioneering work on Crispr gene-editing.

Religious Liberty And Abortion In American Civilization

Nov 7th, 2020 | By

The year 2020 has been an extraordinary year. For me as a Christian leader, two themes have dominated the complicated developments of 2020: Religious liberty issues inherent in a number of Supreme Court decisions and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.