1 Corinthians 15:35-58
Apr 28th, 2014 | By Dr. Jim EckmanPaul teaches the Corinthians on the nature & details of the Resurrection of the body upon Christ’s return.
Paul teaches the Corinthians on the nature & details of the Resurrection of the body upon Christ’s return.
A review of Paul’s message on righteous living in 1 Corinthians 15:30-34, plus side discussion on how God holds humans accountable. Digg this post Recommend on Facebook Buzz it up Share via MySpace share via Reddit Share with Stumblers Tweet about it Bookmark in Browser Tell a friend
Paul continues his lesson to the Corinthians on the fundamental importance of the Resurrection, the consequences of denying it, and the guarantees & certainties that it promises for believers.
The Apostle Paul begins to address the Corinthian people on the importance of the Resurrection, and presents facts to show them how reasonable the Bible is.
Dr Eckman continues discussion on Spiritual gifts in worship (tongues & prophesy), and emphasizes Paul’s overall message of how all Spiritual gifts are to be used first to edify the Body of the Church in a fitting & orderly manner.
The Apostle Paul completes his lessons on the characteristics of Love, then begins discussion on tongues & prophecy in worship.
Paul continues his teaching on Love, as he breaks down the characteristics of love that Christians should have for others.
1 Corinthians 13 is often referred to & quoted as a chapter above “love”. In reality, Paul’s message in this chapter is focused on using one’s Spiritual gifts in loving ways towards God & others. Dr. Eckman shares Paul’s lesson and begins in-depth discussion on the characteristics of Love.
Further discussion on how the diversity of spiritual gifts given by the Holy Spirit to followers of Christ makes a unified body of the Church.
Paul teaches that spirituality is not about self-elevating gifts to glorify the individual; rather, spiritual gifts are given to believers for the purpose of edifying & building up the Body of the Church.