Daniel 9:24-10:14
Sep 4th, 2015 | By Dr. Jim EckmanContinued discussion of Daniel’s Prophecy of the Seventy Weeks, and the beginnings of the Final Vision of Daniel.
Continued discussion of Daniel’s Prophecy of the Seventy Weeks, and the beginnings of the Final Vision of Daniel.
Daniel’s Prayer & the Prophecy of the Seventy Weeks – Dr. Eckman leads discussion of this powerful prayer to restore his people & his nation.
The Vision of the Ram & He-Goat: we discuss this dream of Daniel’s, and the detailed view it provides of future events as they pertains to Israel.
Dr. Eckman leads discussion of Daniel’s Vision of the Four Beasts, a dream with striking similarities to the dream of Nebuchadnezzar in chapter 2: Both outline the 4 great kingdoms of the world, and the 5th kingdom-to-come which is far superior.
Dr. Eckman leads in-depth discussion of Daniel & the Lion’s Den.
The Writing on the Wall: God uses Daniel to tell King Belshazzar that he has not glorified & honored God with his actions as King, just as his ancestors did, and that the days of his Kingdom are over.
King Nebuchadnezzer’s remarkable royal proclamation glorifying God is an account of mysterious dream, Daniel’s interpretation, and God’s fulfillment of the dream raise interesting questions, including discussion of Nebuchadnezzer’s place in heaven.
Nebuchadnezzar built an idol of himself, and threw Daniel into the fire for not worshipping. Dr. Eckman leads discussion on how God changed Nebuchadnezzar’s heart.
We discuss The Dream of Nebuchadnezzar: the King’s threat to his court, how Daniel prayed for insight to know & interpret the King’s dream, and how this dream revealed a broad framework for history.
Dr. Eckman begins a new bible study on the book of Daniel, beginning with Daniel’s exile to Babylon, and his education & training under King Nebuchadnezzar.