Revelation 9:9-20:3
Feb 18th, 2016 | By Dr. Jim EckmanA succinct & glorious description of the return of Christ, and the final defeat of the beast.
A succinct & glorious description of the return of Christ, and the final defeat of the beast.
The 7 Bowl judgements bring about the collapse of an ungodly world & the norms of day-to-day life, making way for the Second Coming of Christ.
The Seventh Bowl judgment & the collapse of Babylon: a world that had supported the religious rise of the Anti-Christ will then be crushed by him.
Chapter 16 discusses the seven Bowl Judgements: plagues against nature & mankind which demonstrate the power, sovereignty, and majesty of the true God.
God’s judgment continues, judging the beast & his followers, while offering hope to those who have & will accept Him, and hope to those who are martyred during this time.
Chapter 13 reveals more details of The Anti-Christ & his False Prophet, and their deception & control over mankind.
Dr. Eckman discusses the details of the Sounding of the 7th Trumpet, and we are introduced to 7 figures who are dominant during the last half of the Great Tribulation.
Chapter 11 of the Book of Revelation introduces us to two key players in the Day of the Lord: the Two Witnesses, and to the Anti-Christ.
We discuss the sounding of the 6th Trumpet, and John’s vision of a mighty angel which reaffirms John’s prophetical calling & prepares us for the horrific things to come.
The Sounding of the Seven Trumpets: Dr. Eckman leads as we discuss the first 5 Trumpets & the earthly catastrophe that will come with each.