Genesis 4:17-5:32
May 6th, 2016 | By Dr. Jim EckmanThe family of Cain altered God’s ordinances for marriage & the value of human life, and God preserved worship & obedience to His laws through the line of Seth.
The family of Cain altered God’s ordinances for marriage & the value of human life, and God preserved worship & obedience to His laws through the line of Seth.
Continued discussion of the fall of Adam & Eve: their expulsion from the Garden, and the suffering that continues in their family.
Adam & Eve suffer the consequences: Dr. Eckman discusses how their disobedience led to a curse upon themselves, and all of creation to follow.
Dr. Eckman leads in-depth discussion of how the serpent tempted Adam & Eve, causing the beginnings of human rebellion & its consequences for all of mankind.
A continuation of Genesis 2: God’s creation of humans to populate & have dominion over His world, and the creation of the institution of marriage.
Chapter 2 begins an in-depth account of God’s work on the 6th day: The creation of human beings to populate & have dominion over His world.
In 6 days, God called into existence a perfect, harmonious, and fruitful creation over which we, His Image Bearers, are to rule.
Dr. Eckman begins a study of the Book of Genesis: God, through His Spirit, created the entire universe.
The final 2 chapters of Revelation reveal The New Heaven, the New Earth and the New Jerusalem: God’s promises completely fulfilled.
The binding of Satan, the Lord’s 1000 year reign on Earth, & the Great White Throne judgement.