Genesis 19:11-20:4
Jul 21st, 2016 | By Dr. Jim EckmanGenesis 19 focuses on destruction & deliverance: God owed nothing to Lot, but showed His grace by getting him & his family out of Sodom.
Genesis 19 focuses on destruction & deliverance: God owed nothing to Lot, but showed His grace by getting him & his family out of Sodom.
The judgment of Sodom & Gomorrah: when a society defies God’s laws & order, wickedness, evil, & greed will result, and those who partake will face God’s wrath.
The Lord reaffirms His covenant with Abraham, teaching us today that we are responsible to walk in obedience before Him, no matter how difficult.
Abraham’s vision & covenant with God, and the story of Hagar & Ishmael teaches us today & always to trust God’s Word & wait for His promises.
Dr. Eckman leads discussion of how Abram rescues Lot, and the Lord’s renewed covenant with Abram.
God commands Abraham to travel to the land of Canaan. After several tests of Abraham’s faith, including conflicts with Pharaoh & with Lot, The Lord reveals His covenant with Abraham & his offspring.
Dr. Eckman leads discussion of the Tower of Babel & the beginnings of the Lord’s Redemptive Plan, by His calling of Abraham.
Sin re-enters the world through the actions of Noah & his son Ham, but God’s plan to re-populate the Earth continues with Noah’s sons & their offspring spreading out across the world.
The floodwaters over the Earth recede, and God establishes His New Order through Noah & his family.
As humanity oversteps His boundaries & rules, God determines to destroy all life on Earth with a great flood; Noah & his family are spared from this judgment by building an Ark.