1 Peter 3:1-7 (Part 2)
Nov 2nd, 2017 | By Dr. Jim EckmanDr. Eckman continues on the Biblical roles of husbands & wives. Despite cultural opposition & much misunderstanding, God’s plan for marriage is as true & relevant as ever.
Dr. Eckman continues on the Biblical roles of husbands & wives. Despite cultural opposition & much misunderstanding, God’s plan for marriage is as true & relevant as ever.
Dr. Eckman uses Ephesians 5:32 to express & enhance the Biblical truth of Peter’s writings on the roles of husbands & wives in marriage.
Peter encourages us to be people of God who represent integrity & His standards, regardless the costs.
Dr. Eckman leads in-depth discussion of how we are free in Christ, specifically freedom from the bondage of sin. He also details 4 factors in a life of such freedom, as written by Peter.
Peter continues his call of submission to God, bringing order, stability, and good spiritual health, which truly frees the believer to live a rich & fulfilling life.
Peter reminds us of who we are because of Jesus: a chosen people, part of the royal priesthood & a Holy Nation, and belonging to a new Family. This brings about change & transformation into a life of submission to Him.
Peter is laying out that in the New Covenant, we are the new Temple & the new Priests, plus excellent side discussion on ‘human responsibility’ vs ‘divine sovereignty’.
Peter shares more of God’s intent in redeeming us: today’s discussion focuses around living a Life of Love.
Peter encourages believers to conduct themselves in reverence to God, and to see people the way God sees them.
Peter defines a lifestyle of Salvation, describing & discussing a life of Hope & Holiness for those who accept & believe in Christ.