1 Peter 4:1-7
Dec 8th, 2017 | By Dr. Jim EckmanPeter reminds us that as Christians, we have a new position in Christ; we are to die to our old life & be conformed to the image of Jesus, as we line up our minds & will with that of God.
Peter reminds us that as Christians, we have a new position in Christ; we are to die to our old life & be conformed to the image of Jesus, as we line up our minds & will with that of God.
Peter teaches that as we suffer & go through difficult times, remember Christ’s suffering: It was for us & accomplished our redemption. It completed His work, as we identify with Him in His death, burial, & resurrection.
Peter teaches on the blessing of suffering for righteousness, and guides us on how to handle ourselves when others challenges our Faith.
Dr. Eckman details more of the virtues of Righteousness, as part of Peter’s writings about Righteous Living.
Peter presents the obligations of Christian husbands, and calls readers to Righteous Living; Dr. Eckman leads discussion of the virtues of Righteousness.
Dr. Eckman continues on the Biblical roles of husbands & wives. Despite cultural opposition & much misunderstanding, God’s plan for marriage is as true & relevant as ever.
Dr. Eckman uses Ephesians 5:32 to express & enhance the Biblical truth of Peter’s writings on the roles of husbands & wives in marriage.
Peter encourages us to be people of God who represent integrity & His standards, regardless the costs.
Dr. Eckman leads in-depth discussion of how we are free in Christ, specifically freedom from the bondage of sin. He also details 4 factors in a life of such freedom, as written by Peter.
Peter continues his call of submission to God, bringing order, stability, and good spiritual health, which truly frees the believer to live a rich & fulfilling life.