Acts 17:5-17:25
Jan 11th, 2019 | By Dr. Jim EckmanPaul’s visits to Thessalonica, Berea, and Athens are powerful & fruitful in bringing more Greeks to faith.
Paul’s visits to Thessalonica, Berea, and Athens are powerful & fruitful in bringing more Greeks to faith.
The Second Missionary Journey continues: events at Philippi & Thessolonia, including the jailing & beating of Paul & Silas.
Dr Eckman leads discussion of Paul’s Second Missionary Journey.
The First Church Council writes a letter to Gentile believers, encouraging their behavior for the sake of the Jews they are trying to reach with the Gospel. Excellent in-depth side discussion of Personal Liberty vs a Christian obligation to new or non-believers.
Paul, Barnabas, & Peter go to elders of the Church in Jerusalem, to dispute the false doctrine being taught, and educate them we are justified by Faith alone, & not by our works or the keeping of laws & traditions.
Continued discussion of Paul & Barnabas’ first missionary journey, performing miracles & sharing the Gospel
A review of Paul’s message to the Jews at Persidian Antioch, plus additional discussion of “sustaining grace vs saving grace”, and God’s divine sovereignty vs Man’s responsible freedom.
Paul speaks to Jews at Persidian Antioch, sharing how Jesus in the Messiah they’ve been awaiting.
The first Missionary journey of Paul: encountering false prophets in Cyprus, and sharing the Gospel with Jews in Persidian Antioch.
The Church at Antioch faces continued persecution from King Herod – including the death of James, and the arrest of Peter. Despite these acts, the Church continued to grow & believers multiplied throughout the region.