John 1:35-2:12

Jun 9th, 2020 | By

Jesus calls some of His disciples, with John stressing His various titles (e.g., Messiah, Son of God, Son of Man) and His first recorded miracle (“sign”) is at a wedding in Cana.

John 1:5-34

Jun 4th, 2020 | By

John details Jesus as the Incarnate God who reveals grace and truth, who is the only unique Son of the Father, and who is the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.

John Intro-1:5

May 20th, 2020 | By

John’s thesis is that Jesus is the Godman and therefore introduces Him in the preface as the eternal “Word.”

Pslam 7-8

May 15th, 2020 | By

In both of these Psalms, King David appeals to God as the righteous Judge to defend him (Psalm 7) and, in light of God’s majestic power exhibited in creation, he marvels that God is even interested in him (Psalm 8).

Psalm 6

May 5th, 2020 | By

David experiences the gracious, chastening hand of His God, is restored to a relationship with God, and thereby seeks to bring glory to Him.

Psalm 5

Apr 27th, 2020 | By

King David knows His God, His attributes and His holiness, all of which provide the basis for His cry for help and deliverance from his enemies.

Psalm 4

Apr 21st, 2020 | By

Threatened by men within his government, King David finds safety and security in His gracious God.

Psalm 3

Apr 15th, 2020 | By

In the face of Absalom’s rebellion, King David finds his confidence in God, who will fight for him, deliver him and restore him.

Psalm 2

Apr 10th, 2020 | By

The human rebellion against God is met by God’s anointed Son, who will crush the rebellion and claim His inheritance–to rule over this planet.

Psalms 1:4-6, 2:1-3

Mar 18th, 2020 | By

The path of the ungodly results in separation from God.