Genesis Patriarchs 12:1-13:13
Dec 24th, 2021 | By Dr. Jim EckmanBeginning a new study, focusing on the Patriarchs in the book of Genesis: God makes a threefold promise to Abram, to which Abram responds with incredible faith and worship.
Beginning a new study, focusing on the Patriarchs in the book of Genesis: God makes a threefold promise to Abram, to which Abram responds with incredible faith and worship.
Jesus’ burial, His resurrection and the consequences of His ascension end this marvelous Gospel account of Jesus.
Jesus’ “trials” are followed by Him being mocked, scourged and crucified.
As Jesus eats the Passover meal, He institutes the Lord’s Supper, foretells Peter’s denial and then goes to Gethsemane to pray to His Father, preparing for His arrest.
As the Jewish leadership plots Jesus’ death when Judas offers to betray Him, Jesus completes His discourse on end times by challenging us to be ready, to be faithful and to not try to figure out when all this will occur.
Jesus answers his disciples’ questions about end-time events.
Jesus responds to His opponents and then goes on the offensive, silencing His enemies.
Jesus neutralizes the threats from the Pharisees, the Herodians and the Sadducees.
Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem is followed by His cursing of the fig tree (a metaphor for Israel), cleansing the Temple complex and the challenge to HIs authority by the spiritual leadership.
As Jesus predicts His future sufferings, His death and His resurrection, He teaches His disciples about “greatness” and about servant leadership.