Genesis Patriarchs 47:13-50:33
Jun 3rd, 2022 | By Dr. Jim EckmanAs Joseph administers relief from the famine, Jacob blesses Joseph’s two sons, and then his others sons, securing the promise from Joseph to be buried in the Promised Land.
As Joseph administers relief from the famine, Jacob blesses Joseph’s two sons, and then his others sons, securing the promise from Joseph to be buried in the Promised Land.
Joseph reveals his identity to his brothers, brings the clan of Jacob to Egypt where they settle in the rich Nile Delta at Goshen.
Joseph oversees four tests of his brothers to see their faithfulness, their honesty and to sensitize their conscience to effect repentance in their lives.
Joseph interprets Pharaoh’s dream and is elevated to power in Egypt, where he oversees the preparation for the famine God said would come, and meets his brothers for the first time in 20 years.
Genesis 38, 39, 40: These chapters contrast the egregious immorality of Judah with the faithful loyalty of Joseph to His God.
Rachel gives birth to Benjamin, tragically dies, while Isaac dies as well, setting the stage for the rise of Joseph.
Jacob’s daughter, Dinah, is raped by a Canaanite leader; as spiritual leader of his family, Jacob does nothing but his sons respond with an evil act of vengeance.
God wrestles with Jacob, breaks him of his rebellious will and changes his name to Israel, after which he is reconciled to Esau in a wonderful demonstration of God’s grace.
Jacob, under God’s protection and care, leaves his uncle Laban, with his wives, his children and wealth, and heads for the Promised Land.
The Birth of Jacob’s children form the basis for the 12 tribes of Israel.