Romans 6:1-6:14
Aug 12th, 2022 | By Dr. Jim EckmanAs Paul begins his transition from justification to a discussion of sanctification, he constructs the new identity of those who have been justified by faith.
As Paul begins his transition from justification to a discussion of sanctification, he constructs the new identity of those who have been justified by faith.
Paul explains why, in terms of God’s redemptive plan, Adam and Jesus are the two most important people in history.
The Apostle Paul develops the doctrine of our reconciliation with God through the finished work of Jesus Christ. Digg this post Recommend on Facebook Buzz it up Share via MySpace share via Reddit Share with Stumblers Tweet about it Bookmark in Browser Tell a friend
Paul answers the important question, “How was Abraham justified?”
The saving Righteousness and the judging righteousness of God meet at the cross making it possible for God to justify all those who place their faith In Jesus and His finished work.
Paul answers three Jewish objections and then demonstrates the universal depravity of all humanity.
Paul reviews the witness of God’s law on our hearts and the witness of human conscience.
Paul details the three consequences of rejecting God’s revelation–perverse human sexuality, a depraved mind and the downward spiral of evil.
Paul explains the three reasons for his letter and proposes the thesis of his book: justification by faith.
Romans 1:1-8 – Paul introduces himself as a servant and Apostle of Jesus, who is the Messiah and Son of God, vindicated by HIs resurrection as the Lord.