A Few Thoughts On The 2020 Election

Oct 31st, 2020 | By

O. Alan Noble of Oklahoma Baptist University perceptively and solemnly observes, “Whether you describe it as a decadent society or a decaying culture or a democracy dying in darkness, 2020 has given us a taste for what Cormac McCarthy once described as ‘the frailty of everything revealed at last.’ We have been frail for a very long time, but what we could deny before has been made glaringly manifest through a pandemic, racial injustice, social unrest, mass unemployment, and a highly contentious presidential election that earnest folks on both sides have described in existential terms.

“Remixed Spirituality:” A Challenge For The Church

Oct 24th, 2020 | By

Meaningful spirituality focuses on four components: meaning, purpose, community, and ritual. Centered in Jesus Christ, genuine, biblical Christianity offers eternally significant content to these four components. However, within American culture today an amalgamation of cultural forces constitute what Tara Isabella Burton calls “Remixed Spirituality.”

Thinking Christianly About QAnon

Oct 17th, 2020 | By

Years ago, historian Richard Hofstadter wrote an important book entitled The Paranoid Style in American Politics, in which he documented the role paranoia, fear and conspiracy theories have played in American political culture. He called it “an arena for angry minds.”

Lessons From The Liberty University Scandal

Oct 10th, 2020 | By

A major premise of Scripture is that leaders are always called to a higher standard. Indeed, spiritual leaders in the church and in ministry are called to be “above reproach” (1 Timothy 3:2). Leaders in ministry are to be servant leaders, modeling the biblical truths they espouse (see Philippians 2:5-11, Luke 22:21-30 and John 13:1-17). Leaders are to avoid even the “appearance of evil” in their lifestyles and in their words (1 Thessalonians 5:22).

Foreign Policy Realism In A Fallen World

Oct 3rd, 2020 | By

Fundamental to the Christian worldview is that we live in a fallen, broken world. Sin and rebellion against God are the defining characteristics of this dark world over which Satan rules (2 Corinthians 4:4). The modern nation-state, in terms of world history, is a relatively new development on the world scene.

Is There A Faith-Based Foundation For American Progressivism?

Sep 26th, 2020 | By

A new book by Religious News Service reporter Jack Jenkins (American Prophets: The Religious Roots of Progressive Politics and the Ongoing Fight for the Soul of the Country) argues that not only is the Religious Left alive and well in contemporary America—it is the “beating heart of modern progressivism.” Modern politics in the Trump era often stereotype people into rather rigid categories. This is not very helpful and is in fact often intellectually dishonest. As I have argued on Issues over the last few months, genuine, biblical Christian leaders are all over the map in their political leanings.

The State Of The American Family In 2020

Sep 19th, 2020 | By

According to Stephanie Kramer, “A [2019] Pew Research Center study of 130 countries and territories shows that the U.S. has the world’s highest rate of children living in single-parent households. Almost a quarter of U.S. children under the age of 18 live with one parent and no other adults (23%), more than three times the share of children around the world who do so (7%).

Religious Liberty Redux: The Calvary Chapel Decision

Sep 12th, 2020 | By

This summer, the Supreme Court has ruled, for the second time in the last two months, against a church which sought exemptions from statewide restrictions on houses of worship during the COVID-19 pandemic (Calvary Chapel Dayton Valley v. Sisolak). Calvary Chapel involved a Nevada public health order governing which businesses and institutions are able to remain open during the pandemic, and under what terms these institutions may do so.

Discerning The Liberty Issues Associated With COVID-19

Sep 5th, 2020 | By

1 Corinthians 8-10 detail the central biblical teaching on Christian liberty. The premise is that brothers and sisters in Christ should be willing to set aside their rights for the sake of others. The COVID-19 pandemic has been disruptive and has necessitated the surrender of some of our freedoms for the sake of the larger public health. To satisfactorily balance individual rights with public health issues is excruciatingly difficult. In this Perspective, I seek to explore in-depth the matter of religious liberty and its application to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Unending Redefinition Of Human Rights And Human Identity

Aug 29th, 2020 | By

Who decides questions of truth? Who defines the boundaries of human rights? In a pluralistic culture, who defines the standards of behavior based on these rights? In our Postmodern, Post Christian era, answering these questions is no longer easy. There is no foundation for our civilization, no agreed-upon set of ethical standards, and no transcendent authority to which to appeal. Human autonomy is a given and the boundaries to that autonomy appear limitless. Two recent developments highlight the ongoing redefinition of human rights and human identity.