Protestant Missionaries and Cultural Change

Mar 22nd, 2014 | By

In 2001, Professor of History, Alvin J. Schmidt, published his important book, Under the Influence: How Christianity Transformed Civilization. Among other parts of his argument, Schmidt demonstrated how Christians manifested a care for and respect for the dignity and worth of human beings in the Greco-Roman world. Christians cared for ?throw-away? babies, the sick, the poor and the elderly in the ancient world. He also demonstrated how Christianity affirmed the dignity, worth and freedom of women in the ancient and modern world. The record of Christianity in founding hospitals, health clinics and the general improvement of health care is nothing short of astonishing. Further, Christianity pioneered the founding and promotion of higher education all over the world, but especially in western civilization. Christians also were leaders in the founding of modern science, theory and research.

Polygamy: The Next Frontier of Human Sexuality

Feb 15th, 2014 | By

What was once unthinkable, becomes debatable, and gradually becomes acceptable. That proverbial statement captures more than anything else what has been occurring in the realm of human sexuality over the past few years. Once personal autonomy and self-gratification take center stage in all matters sexual, most boundaries fall. The next boundary being tested in American culture is that of polygamy. This stunning and rapid cultural transformation did not begin with the same-sex marriage boundary falling; it began with the culture?s embrace of sexual libertinism.

Technology, Marriage and Children

Dec 14th, 2013 | By

Reproductive technologies and information technology are re-defining marriage, procreation and are affecting the value we place on both marriage and children. The result is tension, confusion and an uncertainty about almost every social dimension of our culture. Marriage, as an institution, is incredibly fragile and these technologies are not helping to stabilize this foundational institution. Consider these observations:

Syria, America and the Just War Tradition

Sep 21st, 2013 | By

President Obama?s actions on Syria have been puzzling and difficult to assess. He declared that he would hold Syria accountable for crossing the now famous ?red line? he drew a year ago. Under his orders, the military moved all the necessary equipment?planes and ships?into place, ready to strike Syria. Major Arab nations, Saudi Arabia and Qatar, especially, supported his efforts. Secretary of State John Kerry issued several qualifiers about the nature of the US strike, even stating it would be ?unbelievably small.? The US then continued to issue a series of forewarnings that enabled Syria to move its WMD stockpiles to more secure areas.

The Pursuit of Happiness ? Redefined

Sep 14th, 2013 | By

?The pursuit of happiness:? In the Declaration of Independence, this phrase is connected with ?life and liberty? as the three important rights ?endowed? by the ?Creator? as a ?self-evident? truth. What exactly did Jefferson mean by ?happiness?? How has Postmodern culture re-defined this important word?

Reflections on the New Atheism

Aug 24th, 2013 | By

Many today speak of the ?New Atheism,? which is best represented in the writings of the Four Horseman of the New Atheism?Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris, Daniel C. Dennett and the late Christopher Hitchens. In many ways, they are not making any new arguments in their defense of atheism, but there is militancy about these individuals, especially Richard Dawkins. One of the more significant dimensions of this phenomenon is that former Christians, or at least emerging adults who came from Christian homes, are expressing an interest in atheism. To that end, Larry Alex Taunton of the Fixed Point Foundation endeavors to bridge the gap between Christians and atheists in a spirit of gentleness and mutual respect. (Taunton attended Grace University in the 1980s).

The Deconstruction of a Civilization: America, Language, and Human Sexuality

Aug 10th, 2013 | By

It is obvious to everyone: Something is occurring in America right now. There is a sense that things are out of control. What had always seemed right is now called wrong. What had always been considered wrong is now considered right. Language that was once unacceptable for use in public is now common and accepted. Evidence of this cultural upheaval is in the language we use. Presbyterian minister John P. Sartelle writes: ?We are witnessing the deconstruction of a civilization. Across our land, the major institutions that are foundational to any nation are in a downward spiral, whether we speak of education, government, business or the family. Isaiah and Jeremiah were observers of a similar deconstruction of their nation and wrote about it. One of the characteristics of that fall was the decline in the civility of everyday language.?

Are You Suffering from ?Present Shock??

Aug 3rd, 2013 | By

I just finished reading a book by media theorist Douglas Rushkoff entitled Present Shock: When Everything Happens Now. It is a penetrating and thought-provoking book. [The title is an obvious play on the Alvin Toffler?s 1970 classic book, Future Shock.] To me, it captures quite brilliantly the unsettledness and disorientation that many feel as we begin the 21st century. It offers an analysis of our culture unlike any other I have read recently. Yet, with his analysis, Rushkoff offers few solutions and little comfort. So, in this Perspective, I seek to summarize the principal arguments of the book and add a biblical response to each major point, for I believe that God offers a cure to the ?disease? called ?Present Shock.?

How to Reach Islam for Jesus Christ

Jul 13th, 2013 | By

Many remember this tragic 2010 story: In Gainesville, Florida, Pastor Terry Jones threatened to burn copies of the Qur?an on 11 September 2010 (he called it ?International Burn a Koran Day?). He said that his purpose was to ?bring awareness to the dangers of Islam and that the Koran is leading people to hell. Eternal fire is the only destination the Koran can lead people to so we want to put the Koran in its place?the fire!? Although I believe that Jesus is the only way to eternal life (John 14:6; Acts 4:12), I question whether Pastor Jones was laying out an effective strategy to give witness to the truth about Jesus. I find nothing in the Bible that would view this as an effective kind of witness. Let me suggest two thoughts:

The Validation of the Christian Worldview

Jun 8th, 2013 | By

One of the key themes of Issues in Perspective is the articulation and defense of the Christian worldview. That worldview is discerned from a study of the Bible and the application of that worldview to life. Two recent studies validate that worldview.