Protestant Missionaries and Cultural Change
Mar 22nd, 2014 | By Dr. Jim EckmanIn 2001, Professor of History, Alvin J. Schmidt, published his important book, Under the Influence: How Christianity Transformed Civilization. Among other parts of his argument, Schmidt demonstrated how Christians manifested a care for and respect for the dignity and worth of human beings in the Greco-Roman world. Christians cared for ?throw-away? babies, the sick, the poor and the elderly in the ancient world. He also demonstrated how Christianity affirmed the dignity, worth and freedom of women in the ancient and modern world. The record of Christianity in founding hospitals, health clinics and the general improvement of health care is nothing short of astonishing. Further, Christianity pioneered the founding and promotion of higher education all over the world, but especially in western civilization. Christians also were leaders in the founding of modern science, theory and research.