All entries by this author

What Is Evangelical Christianity?s Place in Postmodern America?

Oct 10th, 2015 | By

The role of evangelical Protestant Christianity in the development of America has been profound. The linkage between the First Great Awakening and the decision for independence from Great Britain is incontrovertible. Consequently, the desire for both political liberty and religious liberty energized the independence movement (see Thomas S. Kidd, God of Liberty: A Religious History of the American Revolution). Evangelical Christianity therefore maintained its location at American culture?s center until the waves of immigration began in the late 19th and into the early 20th centuries, when Protestant evangelicalism competed with Roman Catholicism and Judaism for the cultural center. Into the 20th century, especially after the immigration laws were changed in the 1960s, new religious faiths entered American culture, including Hinduism, Buddhism and Islam, among others.

Revelation 2:6-11

Oct 9th, 2015 | By

Jesus speaks to the church at Smyrna in John’s vision, commending them for enduring suffering & persecution. Today, we are encouraged to be faithful in all situations, for our reward is eternal life.

What Is Vladimir Putin Doing in the Middle East?

Oct 3rd, 2015 | By

In the history of American foreign policy, presidents have consistently sought to impede Russian presence in the Middle East. In 1946, President Truman forced the USSR to withdraw from Iran. During the 1973 Yom Kippur War, President Nixon pressured the USSR when it began resupplying Arab clients. After the 1976 Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, President Carter threatened military force if the Soviets went any farther. In August, Israel began warning the United States that Russia was planning a significant military deployment into Syria to prop up the Assad regime. That deployment has begun.

Revelation 1:16-2:6

Oct 2nd, 2015 | By

John shares Jesus’ words from his vision as he addresses the church at Ephesus, commending them for their endurance, and reminding them how they’ve lost their sense of their first love, Jesus. We are reminded today that without love, the Church’s work is lifeless.

The 2015 Refugee Crisis: Realities and Solutions

Sep 26th, 2015 | By

The visual images and the numbers are staggering: Hundreds of thousands of desperate people are fleeing the Middle East. . . Although most are fleeing war, some are fleeing poverty; and the majority of them are Muslim. The bulk of them are headed for Europe, principally seeking refuge in Germany and the Scandinavian countries. The total number of refugees or economic migrants from the nations above is in the millions. The Syria civil war alone has produced 4 million refugees, most of whom have fled to Jordan or Lebanon. But, increasingly they are heading for Europe where they hope to find prosperity, stability and hope. rpbc brochure.pdf

Revelation 1:7-16

Sep 25th, 2015 | By

Dr. Eckman leads discussion as John describes his vision of the risen Christ

The Devaluing of Life in America

Sep 19th, 2015 | By

Modern medicine affirms a proposition that is quite consistent with God?s Word?that life is a continuum. (For the Christian, the Bible teaches that life extends from conception on into eternity, for all human beings will live forever.) The DNA strands present at conception are species-specific and the beginning of a new and unique individual human. . . Furthermore, the Bible also affirms consistently that humans are of infinite worth and value because they bear the image of God. Humans both resemble God and represent Him as stewards over His world. The life-as-continuum concept means that at all stages of development the human life is of value to God.

Revelation 1:1-6

Sep 18th, 2015 | By

Dr. Eckman begins a new study of the Book of Revelation: presenting Jesus as Lord of the Universe, and now his final Kingdom will be ushered in.

Dissecting the Trump Phenomenon

Sep 12th, 2015 | By

In early 2015, no one would have predicted that Donald Trump would be leading in most polls for the Republican presidential nomination and, to some extent, setting the agenda for the 2016 presidential campaign. The Trump phenomenon is energized and empowered by the arrogant, bombastic bravado of a man who is not only damaging the Republican Party; he is also damaging the American Republic. Since I am a Christian and write Issues in Perspective for Christians from a Christian worldview perspective, it is important to evaluate him and the phenomenon surrounding him from that perspective.

Daniel 10:13-12:13

Sep 11th, 2015 | By

Ending discussion on The Final Vision of Daniel: how the prophecy was fulfilled & details of prophecy still to come, as we set the stage to begin a new study of the Book of Revelations.