Romans Intro-1:8
Jun 10th, 2022 | By Dr. Jim Eckman
Romans 1:1-8 – Paul introduces himself as a servant and Apostle of Jesus, who is the Messiah and Son of God, vindicated by HIs resurrection as the Lord.
Romans 1:1-8 – Paul introduces himself as a servant and Apostle of Jesus, who is the Messiah and Son of God, vindicated by HIs resurrection as the Lord.
Historically, America has been known as a nation of committed workers: Phrases such as “rugged individualism,” “pulling oneself up by one’s boot straps,” and the much maligned “Protestant work ethic” are rarely used today. One obvious reason is that America has moved from being an industrial economy to a more service-based economy. Besides, with the COVID pandemic, more people are working from their homes than ever. But the pandemic has also produced what has become known as the “Great Resignation.” Apparently, millions of people have quit working completely.
As Joseph administers relief from the famine, Jacob blesses Joseph’s two sons, and then his others sons, securing the promise from Joseph to be buried in the Promised Land.
Having children through surrogacy is increasingly common in the United States, especially the practice of paying women to carry a baby for you. But, other than the United States, only a few countries (e.g., India, Thailand, Ukraine, Mexico) permit paid surrogacy, but even these countries are rethinking the procedure. Thus, there is a significant and growing number of people—generally affluent people—who are coming to the US from Europe, Asia and Australia to have a child via surrogacy. But there are legal and ethical messes that arise in a surrogacy market that is largely unregulated.
Joseph reveals his identity to his brothers, brings the clan of Jacob to Egypt where they settle in the rich Nile Delta at Goshen.
Most Americans are anxiously awaiting the Supreme Court’s decision on the Mississippi case (Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization), which will most likely be handed down in late June 2022. The impact this decision will have on abortion in America was the topic of Issues in Perspective for 8 January 2022. This edition of Issues gives focus to a number of presuppositions related to the volatile ethical issue of abortion.
Joseph oversees four tests of his brothers to see their faithfulness, their honesty and to sensitize their conscience to effect repentance in their lives.
“What are your pronouns?” Such a seemingly innocuous question actually manifests the fanatical nature of radical gender ideology. As evolutionary biologist Colin Wright demonstrates, “pronouns are now frequently displayed prominently in social-media bios, email signatures and conference name tags . . . there are singular ‘they/them’ pronouns used by ‘nonbinary’ people who identify as neither male nor female, as well as a growing list of bespoke ‘neopronouns’ such as ‘ze/zir’ or ‘fae/faer’ and the even stranger ‘nounself’ neoprouns like ‘bun/bunself’ which, according to the New York Times, are identities that can encompass animals and fantasy characters.” Wright goes on to argue that “Proponents of gender ideology have completely decoupled the terms ‘man,’ ‘woman,’ ‘boy,’ and ‘girl’ from biological sex.
Joseph interprets Pharaoh’s dream and is elevated to power in Egypt, where he oversees the preparation for the famine God said would come, and meets his brothers for the first time in 20 years.
President Biden has used the term “genocide” to describe Vladimir Putin’s barbarism in Ukraine: civilians being slaughtered, mass graves and the deliberate, intentionally ruthless bombing of civilians. Is this an accurate term to use? Is Putin guilty of war crimes similar to those of Hitler and Stalin?