Romans 12:1-8
Oct 28th, 2022 | By Dr. Jim Eckman
Paul begins his exhortation on what the justified life looks like.
Paul begins his exhortation on what the justified life looks like.
What do American Christians believe about God, salvation, ethics, and the Bible? Ligonier Ministries and LifeWay Research partnered to find out. Every two years, these two ministries take the theological temperature of the United States to help Christians better understand today’s culture and to equip the church with better insights for discipleship. Their findings are in a study entitled The 2022 State of Theology. In the Pastoral Epistles of the Apostle Paul (1 and 2 Timothy and Titus) the phrase “sound doctrine” appears nine times. The Greek term translated “sound” means that which is conducive to health—in this case spiritual health. Paul connects sound doctrine with godly living; in God’s eyes, sound doctrine produces righteous living.
Paul calls for the worship of God and introduces his teaching on the godly living that results from sound doctrine.
The anecdotal evidence for Christianity’s decline in America is not difficult to discern. Broadly speaking, we see it in the decline in church attendance. We see it in the millennial generation’s lack of commitment to institutions such as the church. We see it in the decline and closing of many Christian Bible colleges and liberal arts colleges. And we see it in the divisiveness in many churches produced by the COVID pandemic and the poisonous nature of politics seeping into church life. However, a new study just released by the Pew Research Center confirms some of our suppositions and observations.
Paul declares forcefully that God is not done with the Jewish people and will bring them to salvation at the return of His Son.
In late August, the California Air Resources Board approved a rule that established a year-by-year roadmap so that by 2035 100% of new cars and light trucks sold in California will be zero-emission vehicles (ZEVs), including plug-in hybrid electric vehicles. Many states and nations have set targets and goals to phase out the sale of internal combustion cars. California is the most aggressive state to establish a definitive mechanism to meet required ZEV sales of vehicles. Arguably ambitious, the goal of California is to substantially reduce the carbon footprint of cars and light trucks.
Paul gives focus to the culpability of Israel in rejecting Jesus as the Messiah. Digg this post Recommend on Facebook Buzz it up Share via MySpace share via Reddit Share with Stumblers Tweet about it Bookmark in Browser Tell a friend
Senior columnist for the Israeli newspaper Haaretz, Ari Shavit, has written that the 20th century was “the most dramatic century in the dramatic history of the Jews. In its first half, we lost a third of our people. But the second half of the century was miraculous. In North America, we created the perfect diaspora, while in the land of Israel we established modern Jewish sovereignty. The Jews of the 21st century have today what their great-grandparents could only dream of: equality, freedom, prosperity, dignity. The persecuted people are now emancipated. The pitiful people are now proud and independent . . . [Israel] is the demography of hope: an almost extinguished people renewing itself.”
As Paul explains the sovereign freedom of God, he defends God’s justice and His fairness.
The amount of student debt held in America, the New York Times reports, is roughly equal to the size of the economy of Brazil or Australia. More than 45 million people collectively owe $1.6 trillion. That figure has skyrocketed over the last half-century as the cost of higher education has equally skyrocketed. [Student debt has nearly doubled since 2011 to $1.6 trillion, though the number of borrowers has increased by only 18%.] “The growth in cost has substantially been more that the increase in most other household expenses.” The remarkable rise in college education costs has not been matched by increased scholarship support, national government support or state government support to colleges and universities.