Ecclesiastes 1:12-18
Jan 13th, 2023 | By Dr. Jim Eckman
Solomon tests his thesis with the pursuit of human wisdom, finding that this too is “vanity.”
Solomon tests his thesis with the pursuit of human wisdom, finding that this too is “vanity.”
One element of the mission of Issues in Perspective is to provide biblically-centered perspectives on cultural issues. Therefore, periodically I give emphasis to developments within Christianity. Recent census data demonstrate the significant changes occurring within Protestant Christianity. Daniel Sillman of Christianity Today provides a helpful summary of this data.
Thanksgiving weekend, former president Donald Trump had dinner with Kanye West and Nick Fuentes. The rap artist formerly known as Kanye West—who now goes by “Ye”—has posted comments using anti-Semitic tropes about the ‘influence’ of Jewish people, followed by an almost incomprehensible threat to go to ‘death con 3’ on Jewish people.
The introduction to the book and a review of the book’s thesis.
George Bailey is the hero of that sentimental movie classic associated with Christmas—Frank Capra’s 1946 “It’s A Wonderful Life.” George Bailey’s life was rather ordinary, but it was a life that fell frustratingly short of his ambitious dreams. Fateful decisions, piercing disappointments and the relentless threat of his nemesis, Mr. Potter, lead George to a moment of great despair: He is ready to jump off a bridge. But, through the intervention of an implausible angel named Clarence, George gets to see what his world would be like if he had never been born.
Paul gives greetings to the five house churches in Rome, issues a two-fold warning and concludes the book with a majestic doxology.
In Matthew 5:13-16, Jesus declares that His disciples are “the salt of the earth” and “the light of the world.” Salt and light are metaphors, each with piercing meaning and application. In the ancient world, salt was primarily used for preservation purposes—to prevent perishable food from decay. Light exposes darkness for what it really is. So, as Jesus’ disciples walk with Him in loving obedience, they function as a preservative, preventing the surrounding culture from further decay.
Among some conservatives, as well as some Progressives in the political culture of America, there is a growing dissent about supporting Ukraine after Putin’s invasion of that nation: Perhaps it is not worth it. Perhaps we should be spending this money at home, not so far away. Perhaps, because of the history of czarist Russia, Ukraine should be part of Russia. Perhaps, if the US and the West had just promised that Ukraine would not be a part of NATO, Putin would have stopped his harassment and dismemberment of Ukraine, which he began a few years ago in his annexation of Crimea and invasion of eastern Ukraine. Perhaps, because Ukraine has a history of political and financial corruption, there is no justification for the West supporting Ukraine’s war against Russia. In my opinion such thinking is short-sighted, dangerous and baseless. The war in Ukraine is a war to stop Vladimir Putin’s assault on freedom and sovereignty.
Paul shares his strategies and future plans as the Apostle to the Gentiles.
James, the brother of Jesus, explains that “the tongue is a fire, a world of unrighteousness. The tongue is set among our members, staining the whole body, setting on fire the entire course of life, and set on fire by hell.” Later in the same chapter he declares that “if you have bitter jealousy and selfish ambition in your hearts, do not boast and be false to the truth.” [ESV]