James 1:26-2:7
Jul 14th, 2023 | By Dr. Jim Eckman
James details the 3 aspects of true “religion” and condemns “partiality” as an affront to God.
James details the 3 aspects of true “religion” and condemns “partiality” as an affront to God.
If anything is well established in American social science, it is that men are falling behind women in higher education, suffer disproportionately from drug overdoses and are far more likely to commit suicide. Furthermore, boys in the United States are less prepared than young girls when they begin school and less likely to graduate from high school or finish college. Young men are falling out of the labor force. So-called deaths of despair—by suicide and drug overdose—are nearly three times as common among men as women. One out of every five fathers does not live with his children. In 1990, 3 percent of men reported having no close friends; now, 15 percent do.
God is the giver of only good gifts and we should respond to HIs Word as disicplined doers, not heedless hearers.
Tim Keller, pastor of Redeemer Presbyterian Church in Manhattan (a church he planted with his wife Kathy in 1989), died of pancreatic cancer on Friday, 19 May 2023; he was 72 years old.
There is a democracy to God’s testing of believers but God never tempts anyone.
I am writing this piece on Mother’s Day weekend 2023, which has caused me to consider the unique challenges our children face in raising their children (our grandchildren). My wife and I have three grandsons—eight, four and one. The situation today is so different than 40 years ago when we began our family. In this Perspective I want to focus on several of the unique hardships parents face in 2023.
James explains how God’s curriculum for spiritual growth involves trials and the testings of our faith.
Sheridan Voysey of Our Daily Bread Ministries writes that “A woman once told me about a disagreement that was tearing her church apart. ‘What’s the disagreement about?’ I asked. ‘Whether the earth is flat,’ she said. A few months later, news broke of a Christian man who’d burst into a restaurant, armed, to rescue children supposedly being abused in its back room. There was no back room, and the man was arrested. In both cases, the people involved were acting on conspiracy theories they’d read on the internet.” He concluded that “Since such information can split churches and put lives at risk, checking facts is an act of loving our neighbor. When a sensational story comes our way, we can verify its claims with qualified, accountable experts, being truth seekers—not error spreaders. Such an act brings credibility to the gospel.” On both the progressive left and the paranoid-laden right, conspiracy theories abound.
The gospel of justification by faith produces a life of service.
Evangelicals and Catholics Together (ECT) is an ecumenical group founded in 1994 by Richard John Neuhaus and Chuck Colson. This organization periodically publishes papers and hosts conferences dealing with important biblical issues as they relate to culture and the Christian faith. Prominent scholars and church leaders are a part of this movement. Recently, I came across a paper published by ECT in 2009 on children as gifts from God. In addition to the postmodern pursuit of personal autonomy, modern birth control methods and abortion have made it easier for women to avoid having children. The result is the diminishing importance of children in terms of personal fulfillment and the additional consequence of the diminishing importance of the family as a viable and robust institution of Western Civilization.