All entries by this author

Postmodern Autonomy, Gambling and Marijuana

Nov 16th, 2013 | By

At the center of the Postmodern worldview is the doctrine of personal autonomy–the idea that as free humans we are a law unto ourselves. In Postmodernism, the self defines reality. There are virtually no boundaries for behavior and there are few authority figures that matter anymore. Autonomy impacts all aspects of culture?entertainment, business, law, leisure and religion. The autonomous self defines reality because there is nothing transcendent to do so. If there is a god, he is a deistic god, who is more therapeutic than sovereign, and who serves at the behest of the human. Such a claim has a haunting ring of familiarity to it, for the book of Judges has as its refrain, ?Every man did what was right in his own eyes.?

1 Corinthians 7:25-40

Nov 14th, 2013 | By

Paul gives further clarity on God’s view of the martial commitment & how it can impacts one’s relationship with Christ.

David Barton?s Thomas Jefferson

Nov 9th, 2013 | By

In 2005 David Barton was named by Time magazine as one of the 25 most influential evangelicals. Presumably, this recognition resulted from the organization he leads, WallBuilders, a ministry committed to championing the proposition that America was founded as a Christian nation and that the separation of church and state as defined today is wrong. He also advocates conservative political views that reflect conservative Republicanism or those posited by the Libertarian movement in the United States.

1 Corinthians 7:12-24

Nov 7th, 2013 | By

Paul continues his instruction on Christ’s view on the vows & commitment of marriage, as well as guidance on one’s life after conversion to Christianity.

The Right to Be a Father

Nov 2nd, 2013 | By

Modern technology is changing the definition of fatherhood and the rights that go with it. Consider two cases: (1) A pregnant woman wants an abortion. Her husband does not. Should he have a say in her decision? (2) A woman wants to become pregnant with frozen embryos. Her ex-husband opposes the decision. Should he have a say in the decision? Legally, the answer is no to the abortion case and yes to the frozen embryo case.

The Social Sciences and Public Policy

Oct 26th, 2013 | By

As a result of the 18th century Enlightenment, Western Civilization began an intellectual journey to develop, in the words of philosopher David Hume, a ?science of man.? The Enlightenment leaders sought for the social sciences a level of certainty achieved by Sir Isaac Newton during the previous century for the hard sciences. Hence, the modern social sciences of psychology, sociology, anthropology, etc. were born. Have we achieved a ?science of man?? Have we achieved as a civilization an ability to attain a level of certainty about human behavior? The US government often operates on the basis of social science in its public policy programs. This applies to how the government funds prison reform policies, criminal behavior policies, economic policies, federal housing policies, etc. Has this connection between social science and public policy in western civilization been successful?

Should Dogs Be Granted Personhood?

Oct 19th, 2013 | By

Gregory Berns, professor of neuroeconomics at Emory University, argues that ?dogs are people, too.? He bases this rather stunning conclusion on brain scans of dogs he and his colleagues at Emory have conducted. . . How should we think about Berns, his work and his conclusions? Should dogs be granted personhood? Should they have rights equivalent to humans? Is there a Creation-Order difference between dogs and humans? What is the fundamental difference between a dog and a human being?

1 Corinthians 7:5-11

Oct 18th, 2013 | By

Paul shares God’s instructions on marriage & divorce as it relates to the married, unmarried & widowed.

Boys and Education: We Have Lost Our Way

Oct 12th, 2013 | By

Over the years, one of the major themes of Issues in Perspective has been that God created the human race in two grand streams?male and female?and that each stream is totally different. Any attempt at a unisex movement or any attempts to make boys behave like girls or girls like boys are doomed to failure. God?s design for the human race is clear; we ignore this design to our peril as a civilization.

1 Corinthians 6:16-7:4

Oct 10th, 2013 | By

Paul explains a Biblical, God-centered perspective of the body, and how we are to view sexual intimacy of marriage.