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1 Corinthians 13:4-5

Mar 17th, 2014 | By

Paul continues his teaching on Love, as he breaks down the characteristics of love that Christians should have for others.

Vladimir Putin, Ukraine and the United States

Mar 15th, 2014 | By

With the flight of the former president of Ukraine, Viktor Yanukovych, a few weeks ago, Vladimir Putin moved his troops into Crimea, in southern Ukraine, and thereby created an international crisis. It is an act of aggression. It is a provocation. It is an act of bullying by a weak, narcissistic autocrat. But it is also one of the most serious developments in this already troubled young 21st century. This crisis says much about Putin, much about the European Union (EU) and much about the US. Let me explain.

An Ethical Dilemma: Genetic and Reproductive Technologies and the Human Embryo

Mar 8th, 2014 | By

Ethically speaking, does the end always justify the means? Does a seemingly good end (having healthy babies free of all genetic disorders) justify the means (in vitro fertilization, preimplantation genetic diagnosis, etc.)? Reproductive and Genetic Technologies have empowered humans to a degree unimaginable only a few years ago. These technologies are also empowering parents to decide what kinds of children they want. Therefore, these technologies raise profound ethical questions, including ethical questions about the human embryo.

1 Corinthians 13:1-4

Mar 6th, 2014 | By

1 Corinthians 13 is often referred to & quoted as a chapter above “love”. In reality, Paul’s message in this chapter is focused on using one’s Spiritual gifts in loving ways towards God & others. Dr. Eckman shares Paul’s lesson and begins in-depth discussion on the characteristics of Love.

The Crisis of the Affordable Care Act

Mar 1st, 2014 | By

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) has been controversial since it was passed in March of 2010. It was designed to completely reform the American health care system, with the US government providing subsidies and penalties to fund and enforce these reforms. Among others, these are the salient aspects of the ACA as a reform mechanism:

1 Corinthians 12:8-31

Feb 28th, 2014 | By

Further discussion on how the diversity of spiritual gifts given by the Holy Spirit to followers of Christ makes a unified body of the Church.

The Lessons from World War I

Feb 22nd, 2014 | By

This coming summer the world will observe the centennial of the ?Guns of August,? historian Barbara Tuchman?s phrase for the beginning of World War I. Most historians would argue that this was a war that should never have been. A few weeks ago, I read historian Margaret MacMillan?s gripping The War That Ended Peace: The Road to 1914. She charts quite methodically the events and culture that produced the outbreak of World War I in the summer of 1914, which ended nearly 100 years of peace. (The last major European war had been the Napoleonic wars, which ended in 1815.) How could the major European powers permit one of the most horrific wars in history to occur?

Polygamy: The Next Frontier of Human Sexuality

Feb 15th, 2014 | By

What was once unthinkable, becomes debatable, and gradually becomes acceptable. That proverbial statement captures more than anything else what has been occurring in the realm of human sexuality over the past few years. Once personal autonomy and self-gratification take center stage in all matters sexual, most boundaries fall. The next boundary being tested in American culture is that of polygamy. This stunning and rapid cultural transformation did not begin with the same-sex marriage boundary falling; it began with the culture?s embrace of sexual libertinism.

1 Corinthians 12:1-11

Feb 12th, 2014 | By

Paul teaches that spirituality is not about self-elevating gifts to glorify the individual; rather, spiritual gifts are given to believers for the purpose of edifying & building up the Body of the Church.

The Debate over Income Inequality

Feb 8th, 2014 | By

In President Obama?s State of the Union address it was one of the primary themes. It is the centerpiece of almost everything MSNBC features in its cable news coverage. The Democratic Party is banking on this as the cornerstone of its 2014 campaign to retain control of the Senate. Income inequality is once again a ?hot issue? in American politics. Talk of increasing the minimum wage, taxing the wealthy to fund additional programs for the poor, and extending unemployment insurance are all examples of federal programs being discussed. More specifically, significant tax-the-rich proposals are being suggested to fund pre-Kindergarten educational programs. That there is income inequality is a given in America; in many ways it has always been so. There is a growing gap between the very wealthy and the very poor.