The Harbinger: Right Message, Harmful Exegesis

Feb 23rd, 2013 | By

Few would doubt that one of the publishing sensations of 2012 was The Harbinger by Jonathan Cahn, senior pastor of Jerusalem/Beth Israel Worship Center in Wayne, New Jersey. A messianic Jewish congregation, Cahn?s church is probably the largest such congregation in America. Set in a fictional narrative framework, The Harbinger centers on a set of nine small clay discs (called ?seals?) which, the book argues, are from eighth century BC Israel and are directly connected with Isaiah 9:10: ?The bricks have fallen down, but we will rebuild with hewn stones; the sycamores are cut down, but we will replace them with cedars.?

Boys: Victims of the Feminist Revolution

Feb 16th, 2013 | By

That young men and even young boys are confused about who they are, what is acceptable behavior for them and what exactly it means to be an adult male is now a given in American culture. This confusion is an unintended consequence of the feminist revolution in our culture, and two authors have been documenting this crisis for several years now. They are making a compelling case that American culture is failing its boys and that the impact of this failure is devastating. Let me explain.

The Cultural Left?s Winning Strategy on Sexuality

Feb 9th, 2013 | By

The cultural left?s strategy on human sexuality is shifting?and it seems to be working. In the 1970s and 1980s, the cultural left, perhaps learning a lesson from the pro-abortion forces, began to wrap any discussion of sexuality around the treasured cover of rights, freedom and liberty. As abortion is a guaranteed right, so is being a lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender person. Therefore, the government, the church, the broader culture or any religious conviction cannot suppress or deny such sexual expression. In terms of sexual activity, the only cultural prohibition seems to be rape and pedophilia; virtually everything else is permissible and acceptable.

Which Is More Important, the Pursuit of Meaning or of Happiness?

Feb 2nd, 2013 | By

Perhaps you have heard of Jodie Foster?s seven-minute speech at the Golden Globes Award ceremony on 13 January 2013, when received the Cecil B. DeMille Lifetime Achievement Award. The speech was random, disorganized and at times evidenced confusion. She publically admitted what most people already knew?that she is a practicing lesbian. Few were shocked by such transparency; some in the audience even applauded. But it was the end of her speech that was rather haunting.