Is the Welfare Model Dead?

Jun 30th, 2012 | By

Since the administration of Dwight D. Eisenhower, both Republicans and Democrats have accepted the basic model of the New Deal Welfare State. Many Republicans under Eisenhower sought to unravel the welfare state programs begun during the New Deal, especially Social Security, but Eisenhower made the decision to keep the basic model of a moderate welfare state. Under President George W. Bush, the Republicans continued to basically support the moderate welfare state, especially with his addition of the prescription drug program to Medicare as a benefit.

The Role of the US Government in the American Economy

Jun 16th, 2012 | By

The 2012 presidential election campaign should be about the role of the US government in our economy. In this edition of Issues, I want to focus on a brief history of that role and then detail the present role of the US government.


Jun 9th, 2012 | By

Occasionally on Issues in Perspective, I summarize, as an update, the situation in the Middle East, especially as it relates to Israel. With the so-called ?Arab Spring,? the continued threat of nuclear weapons in Iran, the growing carnage in Syria and the uncertainty of Egypt, with which Israel has a thirty-year-old treaty, Israel remains an oasis of democracy, stability and prosperity in the Middle East. In addition, God has an unconditional covenant relationship with the Jewish people and He promised to bring His people back to their land. I believe He is doing just that today. Therefore, it is quite important that we as Christians keep our eye on the Middle East, especially Israel. Several observations of recent developments that directly impact the Jewish people and the nation-state of Israel:

The Debate over Economic Policy

Jun 2nd, 2012 | By

Europe is in crisis. Greece, Spain and Italy are on the edge financially as they struggle with enormous debt, unsustainable obligations to government pensions and health care expenses and commitments to the euro that are currently impossible for them to fulfill. Furthermore, the governments of Europe are experiencing political upheaval because voters are turning against austerity and frugality. Within the United States, similar debates are occurring. The US debt is out of control and the US government, let alone many state and locals governments, simply cannot meet obligations to its citizens and employees. How should we think about this?