The Meaning of Christ?s Incarnation

Dec 20th, 2014 | By

For Christians, Christmas is about Incarnation?the Creator stooping to enter His creation. The Incarnation challenges the proposition that this is a purely physical and purposeless universe, inhabited by evolutionary accidents whose sense of self is probably illusive. The Incarnation also shatters myths about God: He is not distant and unreachable; He is not uncaring and unconcerned; He is not unmerciful and arbitrary. We thought we knew God, but the Incarnation proves us wrong. The Incarnation is about God revealing Himself in Jesus as the loving, compassionate, merciful, gracious Savior; the Creator is now forever identified with the creature.

Iran: Is a Deal on Nuclear Talks Possible?

Dec 6th, 2014 | By

As of this writing, the United States, other Western powers and Iran have agreed to extend negotiations on a nuclear deal for seven more months. The ?red line? date of 24 November never seemed very sacrosanct; this ?deal? to extend the deal negotiations shows that. It is quite easy to be cynical about all this, but it does point to a deeper reality about Iran, the Middle East and the US.

Renewed Terrorism in Jerusalem: A Perspective

Nov 29th, 2014 | By

During the Six-Day War in 1967, Israel captured the Old City of Jerusalem, including Temple Mount and the Western ?Wailing? Wall. Israel likewise took the entire West Bank of the Jordan River, the Golan Heights from Syria and the Sinai Peninsula from Egypt. It was the most humiliating defeat the Arab world had experienced?and a triumph for the young Jewish state. Israel had tripled its size and had reunited Jerusalem, making it the capital of the nation. Since 1967, the results of this important war have framed the developments, politics and foreign policy decisions of the Middle East and much of the world. In 1967, one of the more difficult issues for Israel was what to do with Temple Mount in Jerusalem.

Reflections on the Midterm Elections

Nov 22nd, 2014 | By

The 2014 election is now history and a few observations about this momentous election are now possible. Without question, it was a ?wave? election for the Republican Party. Although the results are stunning, the election?s long-term potential impact is now coming into focus.

Ethical Issues: Gestational Surrogacy

Nov 15th, 2014 | By

Having children through surrogacy is increasingly common in the United States, especially the practice of paying women to carry a baby for you. But, other than the United States, only a few countries (e.g., India, Thailand, Ukraine, Mexico) permit paid surrogacy. Thus, there is a significant and growing number of people?generally affluent people?who are coming to the US from Europe, Asia and Australia to have a child via surrogacy. Indeed, as Tamar Lewin of the New York Times reports, ?many large surrogacy agencies in the United States say international clients?gay, straight, married or single?provide the bulk of their business.?

Climate Change and Public Policy: The Need for Prudence

Nov 8th, 2014 | By

The mantra of ?settled science? when it comes to climate change is uttered on the national media, by President Obama and by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). For these folks the matter is settled; there is no more need for debate or discussion on the causes of climate change. For them, the next urgent matter is a change in public policy that immediately mandates significant reductions in greenhouse emissions (e.g., from the burning of coal). Is it ?settled science?? Do we need aggressive laws that reduce carbon emissions? What should public policy be when it comes to managing climate change?

Youth Ministry?Preparing Teens for Adulthood: A Re-evaluation

Nov 1st, 2014 | By

The Youth Ministry model American churches have followed since World War II has not been a terribly effective one. It has not enhanced parent-teen relationships and has actually fostered a superficial, shallow Christianity among many young adults. Consciously or unconsciously, when children reach age 12 or so, parents ?hand them off? to the youth leader, in effect saying, ?I?m done; now you take over.? Often this model stresses fun, huge events (e.g., ski trips, retreats, wild antics, and occasional mission trips), but has little focus on the Bible, mentoring or a disciplined walk with God.

Understanding ISIS: Its Origins, Its Ideology and Its Context

Oct 25th, 2014 | By

The emergence of the Islamic State (aka ISIS or ISIL) is an important development within militant Islam. Since 9/11 America?s terrorist focus has been on al Qaeda, but no longer. We are learning more about ISIS and it is now possible to place this radical Islamic faction in context with a clear ideology and doctrine.

Same-Sex Marriage: A Stunning Cultural and Legal Accommodation

Oct 18th, 2014 | By

On Monday, 6 October 2014, the US Supreme Court let stand appeals court rulings permitting same-sex marriage in five states?Indiana, Oklahoma, Utah, Virginia and Wisconsin. Such decisions by the Court are done without explanation, as was this decision. But the silence of the Court here is deafening, for it sends a decisive signal that the accommodation to same-sex marriage is virtually complete within American culture and law. This action by the Court increased the number of states permitting same-sex marriage to 24. This will expand quickly to others.

Family Diversity: The New Normal and Its Consequences

Oct 4th, 2014 | By

Anyone who is involved in education or in pastoral ministry has observed that over the last several decades the family has been undergoing enormous stress and change. And the children who attend school or get involved in the church or Sunday school manifest the consequences of these changes. I recently came across a briefing paper for the Council on Contemporary Families written by Philip Cohen of the University of Maryland. It is a masterful summary of the new normal for families in the United States.