Are Human Rights Anchored In Natural Law Or Positive Law?

Sep 1st, 2018 | By

In June, the United States withdrew from the United Nations Human Rights Council, which UN Ambassador Nikki Haley described as “a protector of human-rights abusers, and a cesspool of political bias.”  This UN Council is quite frankly a sham.  Aaron Rhodes, author of The Debasement of Human Rights: How Politics Sabotage the Ideal of Freedom,
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American Culture In 2018: Gaming And Hollywood’s Comic Book Age

Aug 25th, 2018 | By

The technology of the 21st century has transformed entertainment and leisure-time choices for the typical American. The gaming industry in America has raised significant concerns for modern psychology. Hollywood has taken the 20th century Marvel comic book and transformed it into a lucrative movie brand that is nothing short of astonishing. What does this tell us about American civilization in the early years of the 21st century?

Words Matter: Revoice And The Re-Definition Of Sexuality Within Evangelicalism

Aug 18th, 2018 | By

The 21st century’s sexual revolution is not about birth control, sexual promiscuity, or “free love.”  This sexual revolution argues that your identity as a human is tied to your sexuality, and in the spirit of Postmodernism, it is up to you to decide.  Gender and sexual choice are now fluid terms, which necessitate the re-definition
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Understanding Israel’s New Nation-State Law

Aug 11th, 2018 | By

In mid-July, the Israeli Parliament, by a vote of 62 to 55, enacted a basic law, “with the weight of a constitutional amendment, declaring Israel ‘the nation-state of the Jewish people,’ built on national self-determination ‘unique to the Jewish people.’ It prioritizes Jewish building and downgrades Arabic from an ‘official’ language alongside Hebrew to one with a ‘special status.’”

Can We Distinguish Between Free Speech And “Just Access”?

Aug 4th, 2018 | By

We live in an age where incendiary phrases such as “fake news,” “alternative facts,” and harsh, accusatory, bullying speech are the new normal. In addition, because of the internet and our civilization’s commitment to free speech, radical, extreme views on almost any subject are readily available to everyone. Tragically, there is therefore very little room for critical analysis of what is being said or what is being argued. It is almost impossible to have a reasoned, well-thought-through discussion about anything today.

What Does Vladimir Putin Want?

Jul 28th, 2018 | By

The curious, confounding and provocative Helsinki news conference involving President Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin begs the question, what exactly does Putin want? As one commentator argued, Helsinki “was a summit [Putin] has dreamed of for 18 years.” His Russian advisers used terms such as “fabulous,” “super,” beyond “our fondest hopes” to describe the recent Helsinki meeting. Putin quickly embraced Trump’s invitation to a second meeting in the United States this fall. Putin is finally getting what he wants—and Donald Trump is delivering it to him.

The Changing Face Of The Pro-Life/Pro-Family Position

Jul 21st, 2018 | By

The retirement of Justice Anthony Kennedy from the Supreme Court has caused consternation among pro-choice elements in our culture and near euphoria among pro-life elements. Some pro-life folks actually believe that the nomination of Brent Kavanagh to the Court will bring an end to Roe v. Wade, the 1973 Court decision establishing abortion as a Constitutionally protected right. Furthermore, the “zero-tolerance” policy of the Trump administration when it comes to children of illegal immigrants has raised serious questions about what it means to be pro-family.

The Tragedy Of Suicide: Evidence Of An Existential Crisis In America?

Jul 14th, 2018 | By

Suicide is a tragic, heart-wrenching reality in our world today. It is rarely discussed in church and few pastors know how to address it from the pulpit. Colleges and high schools are facing a growing number of students showing signs of “distress” that often lead to suicide.

Is Jordan Peterson The Answer To The Renewal Of Men In Evangelical Christianity?

Jul 7th, 2018 | By

The confusion among men within American society is at a point of crisis. The rise of feminism and the abusive behavior of Harvey Weinstein, Bill Cosby and countless other men have fostered the #MeToo Movement. The LGBTQIA movement has raised questions about what it means to be a male. This identity crisis extends to how men view God and Christianity: American men are twice as likely to call themselves atheists. Columnist Ross Douthat observes that “men who are looking for post-Christian enlightenment seem to gravitate toward secular-religious cults like the New Atheism, or more recently toward toxic forms of alt-right politics. In this sense the post-Christian religious landscape is potentially taking Christianity’s gender gap and widening it, playing its own metaphysical role in the growing divergence and polarization of the sexes.”

How The 1960s Transformed American Civilization

Jun 30th, 2018 | By

For much of American history, the fault lines of conflict were religious—Catholic, Protestant and Jewish. The theological differences between these three religious groups defined how each focused on the major cultural issues of the day (e.g. Prohibition of the 1920s, public education and its curricula in the 19th century). Protestantism dominated the culture and rather routinely set the culture’s agenda. America was a Protestant nation and that fact defined almost every cultural issue of the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries. But in the 20th century, that consensus began to shatter.