Tucker Carlson And The Perversion Of History

Oct 19th, 2024 | By

In early September, Tucker Carlson, the former Fox News star turned podcaster, hosted the podcaster “historian” Darryl Cooper on Carlson’s show “Tucker on X” on the social media platform. Carlson, who has hosted the show since Fox severed ties with him in 2023, introduced Mr. Cooper as “the most important popular historian working in the United States today.” It is rather appalling that such a major media figure would stoop so low and honor a man with such a perverted view of history. Both Carlson and Cooper are peddling deceit and lies and calling it “history.”

The Loneliness Epidemic In America

Oct 12th, 2024 | By

British historian, Fay Bound Alberti, co-founder of the Centre for the History of Emotions at Queen Mary University of London, writes that, “By the 21st century, loneliness has become ubiquitous. Commentators call it ‘an epidemic’, a condition akin to ‘leprosy’, and a ‘silent plague’ of civilization. In 2018, the United Kingdom went so far as to appoint a Minister for Loneliness. Yet loneliness is not a universal condition; nor is it a purely visceral, internal experience. It is less a single emotion and more a complex cluster of feelings, composed of anger, grief, fear, anxiety, sadness and shame. It also has social and political dimensions, shifting through time according to ideas about the self, God and the natural world.”

The Tragic Consequences Of The Dobbs Decision

Oct 5th, 2024 | By

In 1968 presidential candidate, Hubert Humphrey, declared: “The moral test of government is how that government treats those who are in the dawn of life, the children; those who are in the twilight of life, the elderly; and those who are in the shadows of life, the sick, the needy, and the handicapped.” As a Christian, it is difficult for me to disagree with that statement.

Ideas Have Consequences: Richard Dawkins And “Cultural Christianity”

Sep 28th, 2024 | By

If you believe that there is no God to which you are accountable or that there is no God who has provided redemption for you, you will live your life quite differently than one who affirms such propositions. Consider the famous British philosopher of the 20th century—Bertrand Russell, one of the founders of analytic philosophy. One of his most famous books was Why I Am Not a Christian. For Russell, there was no God.

Michael Oher, The Blind Side And Christian Compassion

Sep 21st, 2024 | By

As I have studied the Gospels over the years, I have been struck by how many times the text speaks of Jesus being “moved with compassion.” Jesus manifested compassion when He saw the crowds, responding with acts of healing (Matt. 14:14; 20:34; Mark 1:41), provision of food (Matt. 15:32), and teaching the word of God (Mark 6:34). Jesus not only modeled compassion; He also taught on the virtue of compassion, including the parable of the unforgiving servant (Matt. 18:23–35), the parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:29–37), and the parable of the prodigal son (Luke 15:11–32).

John MacArthur And Martin Luther King

Sep 14th, 2024 | By

In February 2024, John MacArthur, pastor of Grace Community Church in Sun Valley, California, declared that Civil Rights leader, Dr. Martin Luther King, “was not a Christian at all.” Furthermore, he added, King was “a nonbeliever who misrepresented everything about Christ and the gospel.” MacArthur’s comments were made during a question-and-answer session at Grace Community Church.

American K-12 Education And Parental Rights

Sep 7th, 2024 | By

Deuteronomy 6:4-9 stipulates the vital importance of parents in educating their children: There is to be a formal structure where parents teach their children facts, ethical standards and doctrinal truth. Parents are also to model these virtues, values and standards before their children. Parents are thus central in the moral and spiritual formation of their children. Ideally today, parents, the church and the school should network together to accomplish this goal of moral and spiritual formation. However, in 2024 moral and spiritual formation has been replaced by indoctrination and the pursuit of personal autonomy in much of public education.

Natural-Cycle IVF: A Viable Alternative?

Aug 31st, 2024 | By

Christian author, Ericka Andersen, has recently written of her struggles with infertility and her resolution of this struggle through in vitro fertilization (IVF). Her piece offers an important perspective on IVF and how to think about this controversial procedure as a Christian: “At 33, after experiencing infertility for several years, I reluctantly turned to in vitro fertilization (IVF). A fertility specialist advised my husband and me to pursue the usual course of IVF, which involves using drugs to stimulate the growth of multiple egg follicles.

Social Media, AI And The Christian

Aug 24th, 2024 | By

It was nearly 25 years ago that my son Jonathan and I watched the movie The Matrix. (I actually needed to watch it several times to grasp the complexities and underlying messages of the movie.) Meir Soloveichik, Director of the Straus Center for Torah and Western Thought at Yeshiva University and rabbi of Congregation Shearith Israel in New York, zeroes in on the key scene of the movie: “A man named Morpheus sits across from another man named Neo and informs him that his entire notion of reality is a lie. If Neo wishes to know the truth of human existence, Morpheus says, all he has to do is choose one of two pills. ‘You take the blue pill—the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill . . . and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes’ . . . Of course, Neo chooses the red pill and learns the terrible truth that the advent of artificial intelligence allowed machines to take over the Earth. He believes it is 1999, but in fact it is 2199, and all human beings are perpetually asleep in vats, exploited by their AI masters as a source of energy. The world they think they experience is actually a virtual reality known as The Matrix.”

Hamas And Hezbollah: Existential Threats To Israel

Aug 17th, 2024 | By

It has been said that Israel has always “lived in a tough neighborhood.” That was true in the Ancient world when Israel was surrounded by the Philistia, Edom, Moab, Ammon, Phoenicia; to the south ancient Egypt; and to the east Assyria, and later Babylonia. Today, Israel enjoys a peace treaty with Egypt and Jordan but faces Hezbollah to the north (in Lebanon), Hamas to the west (in Gaza) and, of course, Iran to the east. Both Hezbollah and Hamas are supported by and funded by Iran. Together, these three entities pose an existential threat to modern Israel. In this Perspective, I want to focus on Hezbollah and Hamas.