All entries by this author

The Ethical Dilemmas Associated with Frozen Embryos

May 30th, 2015 | By

Largely because of the procedure known as in-vitro fertilization (IVF), thousands of couples across the US are facing an ethical dilemma never faced before in history: What to do with their frozen embryos? The Department of Health and Human Services estimates that more than 600,000 frozen embryos are stored nationwide, in addition to countless more cryo-preserved eggs and sperm. [It is difficult to estimate how many frozen embryos there are worldwide.] IVF produces embryos in a petri dish, where the wife?s eggs are fertilized by the husband?s sperm. [Sometimes donor eggs and/or donor sperm are used as well.] Generally, there are multiple fertilizations and several are placed into the woman?s body in hopes one or more will attach to the uterine wall as a successful pregnancy. The rest of the robust embryos are frozen.

2 Thessalonians 2:1-5

May 28th, 2015 | By

In 2nd Thessalonians 2, we have a brief summary of the End times, including discussion of events that must occur before the judgments of the Day of the Lord.

Christianity in America: Evangelical Stability amid Widespread Decline

May 23rd, 2015 | By

The Pew Research Center recently released its US Religious Landscape Study, which summarizes the conclusions from a monumental study of how American religion has changed between 2007 and 2014. Conducted among 35,000 adults in English and Spanish, the study fills in the gaps left by the data released by the US Census Bureau. This is necessary because the Bureau does not ask Americans about their religion. What follows is a salient summary of this important survey. It enables us to understand what is happening across the American religious landscape.

2 Thessalonians 1:11-2:4

May 22nd, 2015 | By

Paul reminds the Thessalonian people of his teachings on end times & discusses ‘The Man of Lawlessness’. We are reminded to set aside fears & wonders of this coming time, and to focus the promise that Jesus will return for His people.

The Ethics of Gene Editing

May 16th, 2015 | By

A group of scientists in China has crossed an ethical line in their use of a relatively new genetic technology called gene editing. Seeking to cure a disease called beta thalassemia, an inherited blood disease, they sought to abolish the broken gene that causes it. The technique seeks to modify genetically the stem cells that
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2 Thessalonians 1:8 & Romans 1,2,3

May 15th, 2015 | By

2 Thessalonians 1:8 states “He will punish those who do not know God.” Dr Eckman takes us to Romans 1, 2, & 3 to discuss this verse & give understanding on ‘being accountable to the Light received.”

The Supreme Court, Same-Sex Marriage and Religious Liberty

May 9th, 2015 | By

On Tuesday, 28 April 2015, the Supreme Court heard oral arguments on the same-sex marriage case, Obergefell v. Hodges. The Constitutional question being asked the Court is whether the US Constitution requires states to allow same-sex couples to marry. The Court will not hand down its decision until the end of June, but there is little question that this case will change the definition of marriage within the United States; I believe the decision will be a 5-4 decision that will legitimize same-sex marriage in the United States. I also believe that this decision, coupled with the other significant cultural developments dealing with same-sex marriage, will pose a significant threat to religious liberty in this nation.

2 Thessalonians 1:1-8

May 7th, 2015 | By

Paul’s 2nd letter to the Thessalonians begins with comfort & understanding for the people of this Church enduring much suffering. Paul encourages them that their faith & love grows during such times, and that such difficulties are evidence of their righteous judgement.

Christopher Nolan?s Interstellar

May 2nd, 2015 | By

My wife and I recently visited our son, Jonathan, and his family in London, England, where they live. While there one evening we watched one of this year?s important movies, Christopher Nolan?s Interstellar. At one level it is merely a movie of science fiction, but at another level it is deeply metaphysical and profound. In this edition of Issues, I want to explore some of the themes developed in this unsettling movie.

1 Thessalonians 5:19-2 Thessalonians

May 1st, 2015 | By

Paul concludes his 1st letter to the Thessalonian people, reminding us to hold fast to what is good, turn from sin, and to live our lives according to the promises & hope that our Lord Jesus Christ offers.