All entries by this author

Daniel 8:1-27

Aug 21st, 2015 | By

The Vision of the Ram & He-Goat: we discuss this dream of Daniel’s, and the detailed view it provides of future events as they pertains to Israel.

The Elimination of Christianity from the Middle East

Aug 15th, 2015 | By

In the nation states that comprise today?s Middle East, only one nation offers protection and civil rights to Christians?Israel. Within Israel, Christians (many of them Arab in ethnicity), Jews and Muslims coexist under the protection of the state. There is no other nation in today?s Middle East offering such protection. In fact, today?s Middle East is witnessing the obliteration of Christianity in most of the region. This is astonishing because Christianity predates Islam by 600 years. It is in the Middle East where Christianity itself was born. Jesus Christ lived His entire earthly life in the Middle East and His apostles took the Christian faith throughout the Middle East.

Daniel 7:1-28

Aug 14th, 2015 | By

Dr. Eckman leads discussion of Daniel’s Vision of the Four Beasts, a dream with striking similarities to the dream of Nebuchadnezzar in chapter 2: Both outline the 4 great kingdoms of the world, and the 5th kingdom-to-come which is far superior.

The Identity Crisis in American Culture

Aug 8th, 2015 | By

The deep-seated commitment to the pursuit of personal autonomy, the vital center of the Postmodern, Postchristian American culture, has produced several effects. The Millennials, who passionately have bought into this commitment, have no loyalty to institutions. For that reason the local church, even if they are Christians, is not that important to them. Technology has enhanced this pursuit of autonomy, enabling millennials to create and fashion their own digital reality. . . But, embracing the pursuit of autonomy as the chief goal of life has also produced dysfunction, disorientation and confusion. Many millennials are experiencing an identity crisis. In this Perspective, I want to focus on two major illustrations of the growing evidence of this identity crisis in early 21st-century American culture.

Daniel 6:1-28

Aug 6th, 2015 | By

Dr. Eckman leads in-depth discussion of Daniel & the Lion’s Den.

Thoughts on the Iranian Nuclear Agreement

Aug 1st, 2015 | By

In mid-July 2015, Iran and six world powers plus the European Union (EU) announced an historic agreement that seemingly postpones Iran?s capacity to build nuclear weapons. Arguably, Iran has suffered economically and financially under a series of sanctions the world community has imposed over the last several years. This agreement will lift those sanctions in exchange for a postponement of Iran?s nuclear weapons development. But it is also arguable that the agreement legitimizes Iran as a threshold nuclear state.

Daniel 5:1-31

Jul 30th, 2015 | By

The Writing on the Wall: God uses Daniel to tell King Belshazzar that he has not glorified & honored God with his actions as King, just as his ancestors did, and that the days of his Kingdom are over.

Daniel 4:1-37

Jul 27th, 2015 | By

King Nebuchadnezzer’s remarkable royal proclamation glorifying God is an account of mysterious dream, Daniel’s interpretation, and God’s fulfillment of the dream raise interesting questions, including discussion of Nebuchadnezzer’s place in heaven.

Planned Parenthood and the Trivialization of Life

Jul 25th, 2015 | By

As she feasted on a luncheon salad and sipped wine, Dr. Deborah Nucatola, Planned Parenthood?s senior director of medical services, nonchalantly discussed how she methodically conducted late-term abortions to collect and preserve key fetal tissue and body parts. She declared that there is a great demand for fetal livers, but ?A lot of people want intact hearts these days.? To preserve intact fetal organs, Dr. Nucatola stated that ?We?ve been very good at getting heart, lung, liver, because we know that, so I?m gonna crush that part. I?m gonna basically crush below, I?m gonna crush above, and I?m gonna see if I can get it all intact?. . .This chilling video was released by the Center for Medical Research, an activist group seeking to expose Planned Parenthood for its abortion work and its nefarious disregard for prenatal human life.

Daniel 3:1-30

Jul 22nd, 2015 | By

Nebuchadnezzar built an idol of himself, and threw Daniel into the fire for not worshipping. Dr. Eckman leads discussion on how God changed Nebuchadnezzar’s heart.