All entries by this author

America?s Passive World Leadership: The Consequences

Mar 12th, 2016 | By

Former US Senator and vice presidential candidate, Joseph Lieberman, has recently observed: ?The simple fact is that there is more instability in the world today than at any time since the end of World War II. . .The absence of American leadership has certainly not caused all the instability, but it has encouraged and exacerbated it.? Lieberman and others have argued as well that with America?s passive role, a vacuum has been created. As with all things, something will fill that vacuum. Consider these facts:

Pope Francis and Patriarch Krill: Healing a Thousand Year Split?

Mar 5th, 2016 | By

On Friday, 12 February 2016, Pope Francis of the Roman Catholic Church (representing 1.2 billion Catholics) and Patriarch Krill of the Russian Orthodox Church (representing 150,000 Russian Orthodox Christians) met in a room at the Havana, Cuba airport. This historic meeting was made possible by the maneuverings of Vladimir Putin, who is closely aligned with the conservative Russian Orthodox Church. In a joint declaration issued after their meeting, among other things, they affirmed, ?It is our hope that our meeting may contribute to the re-establishment of this unity willed by God.?

Revelation 21:1-22:21

Mar 4th, 2016 | By

The final 2 chapters of Revelation reveal The New Heaven, the New Earth and the New Jerusalem: God’s promises completely fulfilled.

Revelation 20:3-15

Mar 1st, 2016 | By

The binding of Satan, the Lord’s 1000 year reign on Earth, & the Great White Throne judgement.

Remembering Justice Antonin Scalia

Feb 27th, 2016 | By

On Saturday, 13 February 2016, Supreme Court Justice Antonin Gregory Scalia died. Scalia was 79 years old and had been married to Maureen McCarthy Scalia for 55 years. Together they raised nine children (5 sons and 4 daughters) and had more than two dozen grandchildren. He had been a Supreme Court justice for nearly 30 years. Nicknamed the ?Leader of the Opposition,? Scalia was indisputably the voice of conservative jurisprudence on the Court and for the larger culture. Arguably one of the most brilliant justices on the Court, Scalia will be sorely missed.

Evangelical Christianity: Its Role in a Hostile World?

Feb 20th, 2016 | By

Evangelical Christians should, by nature, be optimists.  Our hope for the future is rooted in our confidence in Christ?s return and the establishment of His kingdom (Titus 2:13).  But, because evangelicals have enjoyed such influence in American culture, it is the immediate future that causes so much anxiety.  Evangelicals no longer influence public policy, culture?s
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Revelation 9:9-20:3

Feb 18th, 2016 | By

A succinct & glorious description of the return of Christ, and the final defeat of the beast.

Is Politics the Answer to the Human Condition?

Feb 13th, 2016 | By

The presidential primary season has begun, but, unlike recent elections, we have two extreme candidates?Bernie Sanders on the leftwing of the Democratic Party and Donald Trump, who fits no label. Since he began his run for the Republican nomination, Trump?s positions on key issues have changed radically. It continues to baffle me personally why people find him appealing. As for evangelical Christians, I find it troublesome that he is taken seriously, for his lifestyle, his values, his demeanor and his language bear no resemblance whatsoever to biblical values, virtues, morals or ethical standards. But that is not the point of this edition of Issues, which probes the role politics plays in solving the problems of the human condition. Consider these thoughts:

Revelation 18:1-19:9

Feb 12th, 2016 | By

The 7 Bowl judgements bring about the collapse of an ungodly world & the norms of day-to-day life, making way for the Second Coming of Christ.

The Scourge of Biblical Illiteracy

Feb 6th, 2016 | By

Important researcher and evangelical Christian, George Barna, has written: ?The Christian body in America is immersed in a crisis of biblical illiteracy. How else can you describe matters when most churchgoing adults reject the accuracy of the Bible, reject the existence of Satan, claim that Jesus sinned, see no need to evangelize, believe that good works are one of the keys to persuading God to forgive their sins, and describe their commitment to Christianity as moderate or even less firm?? Consider additional evidence Barna has surfaced of widespread biblical illiteracy in America: