Acts 13:1-25
Oct 30th, 2018 | By Dr. Jim EckmanThe first Missionary journey of Paul: encountering false prophets in Cyprus, and sharing the Gospel with Jews in Persidian Antioch.
The first Missionary journey of Paul: encountering false prophets in Cyprus, and sharing the Gospel with Jews in Persidian Antioch.
British historian, Fay Bound Alberti, co-founder of the Centre for the History of Emotions at Queen Mary University of London, writes that, “By the 21st century, loneliness has become ubiquitous. Commentators call it ‘an epidemic’, a condition akin to ‘leprosy’, and a ‘silent plague’ of civilization. In 2018, the United Kingdom went so far as to appoint a Minister for Loneliness. Yet loneliness is not a universal condition; nor is it a purely visceral, internal experience. It is less a single emotion and more a complex cluster of feelings, composed of anger, grief, fear, anxiety, sadness and shame. It also has social and political dimensions, shifting through time according to ideas about the self, God and the natural world.”
The Church at Antioch faces continued persecution from King Herod – including the death of James, and the arrest of Peter. Despite these acts, the Church continued to grow & believers multiplied throughout the region.
The significant tax cut passed by the Republican-controlled Congress last year is a source of pride and joy for the Republican Party and especially for President Trump. The Republican Congress is now seeking to make these tax cuts permanent
Dr Eckman leads discussion of the growth & influence of the Church at Antioch, under the guidance of Barnabas & Saul.
Few have noticed what I believe to be one of the more momentous developments of 2018—the growing Russian footprint in the Middle East. Vladimir Putin has a major naval base in Syria, at least two airbases and a diplomatic clout with many Middle Eastern governments not seen since the days of the Soviet Union during the Cold War.
Ed Stetzer, who holds the Billy Graham Distinguished Chair of Church, Mission, and Evangelism at Wheaton College and is executive director of the Billy Graham Center, asks this poignant question: “How can we spiritually lead our people struggling to respond in a culture charged by political polarization and fed a diet of cable news and social media?
Peter is further enabled for ministry through the resurrection of Tabitha, and his vision at Joppa, which helped him to see that when the Holy Spirit comes, the old Jewish laws are set aside & the New Order of Jesus has begun.
Jill Kay Melchior of the Wall Street Journal poignantly ask these questions: “If your teenage daughter suddenly declares herself transgender, should you assume she’s mature enough to make decisions that will affect her health, fertility and future? Or could she be influenced by societal and peer pressure?”