Hebrews 12:15-13:25
Aug 26th, 2019 | By Dr. Jim Eckman
The conclusion of our study of Hebrews, as the author shares what the Christian life looks like.
The conclusion of our study of Hebrews, as the author shares what the Christian life looks like.
In Disney’s classic cartoon feature, Bambi, “Thumper” the rabbit offers a wise piece of advice: “If you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all.” God’s Word has much to say about the words we use and how hurtful and damaging they can be (see the Proverbs and James 1:19-27; 3:1-12). Most of us forget physical hurts we may have incurred growing up, but we remember vividly the cruel words from a bully or a childhood enemy—or even a merciless parent. Such words are often the root cause of bitterness, which is poisonous and destructive.
In last week’s Issues in Perspective, I explored the topic of thinking biblically about space exploration. Human beings are the only creatures created in God’s image. Among other things, that means humans represent God. We are God’s dominion stewards over His world (see Genesis 1:26ff). We have been given the authority to rule over it, to explore it, and use it as good stewards. But, given this dominion authority, human sin remains the essential challenge.
Lessons from Hebrews on the reasons and rationale when God’s disciplines His children.
Continued discussion of Old Testament examples of faith & perseverance, and how we can apply this today.
This summer we are celebrating the 50th anniversary of Neil Armstrong walking on the moon (20 July 1969). Those of us who are older can remember what we were doing that day in July fifty years ago. It was a monumental achievement of American technology, drive and perseverance. The Apollo space program harnessed nearly everything that was unique about American civilization to realize one of humanity’s greatest achievements. But it was also wrapped around the realities of the Cold War.
Discussion and examples of Old Testament saints who exhibited faith and perseverance.
That anti-Semitism is in resurgence is a well-documented fact. The cause of this resurgence is not as clear. In this Perspective I seek to document the rather frightening evidence of growing anti-Semitism and then speculate on its causes and why this is an important issue for us as Christians.
The current American immigration crisis is exacerbated by the two extremes that dominate the debate. The Democratic side often stresses repudiating the entire immigration structure, including detention camps, the deportation of non-criminal aliens, and “decriminalizing illegal entry and extending benefits to undocumented immigrants.” On the other extreme are those Republicans who deny that there is a crisis. The US has no responsibility to maintain humane conditions in the detention camps, especially for children. The migrant camp conditions are not inhumane and there is no moral responsibility to keep “vulnerable people, children above all, in the most humane conditions possible when their detention is required”
Discussing the 4th warning passage to believers in the Book of Hebrews: the peril of rejecting Christ’s sacrifice.