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Apr 14th, 2012 |
By Dr. Jim Eckman
One of my favorite authors today is sociologist Christian Smith, who has authored a series of books that superbly analyze the culture of American teens and emerging adults (18-30 years of age). In his 2005 study, Soul Searching: The Religious and Spiritual Lives of American Teenagers, Smith summarizes the worldview of America?s teen culture. In this Perspective, I want to summarize Smith?s thesis.
Posted in Christian Life, Featured Issues |
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Apr 7th, 2012 |
By Dr. Jim Eckman
If you have a young daughter or granddaughter, you have no doubt heard of The Hunger Games, the first of three novels written by Suzanne Collins. A remarkable best-seller that has enthralled young girls and boys, it is now a blockbuster movie, setting records for a just-released movie. It is an engaging and provocative story, filled with themes and underlying messages, not incompatible with biblical Christianity.
Posted in Christian Life, Featured Issues |
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Mar 31st, 2012 |
By Dr. Jim Eckman
As a Christian leader, I believe that only the Christian worldview provides answers to the challenges of our world. Let me use three examples in this edition of Issues in Perspective.
Posted in Christian Life, Featured Issues |
Mar 24th, 2012 |
By Dr. Jim Eckman
The Health-Care law of the Obama administration has caused no small controversy. Most recently, the provision that all employers must provide contraceptive products to their employees as a health care benefit regardless of the religious convictions of that institution is one of the most egregious. This provision and the subsequent discussion and debate within our culture gets to the heart of conscience, a precious biblical concept and a precious concept central to religious liberty in the American culture.
Posted in Featured Issues, Politics & Current Events |
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Mar 17th, 2012 |
By Dr. Jim Eckman
By definition, dictators are not voted into power. They do not rule by consensus developed within a legislative body. They do not run for the political office they hold by making promises or developing a campaign platform. They rule by raw power, usually military in nature. Such rulers often take on the image of divinity or at least quasi-divinity. Historically, one thinks of the Caesars of the Roman Empire.
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Mar 10th, 2012 |
By Dr. Jim Eckman
In a recent article in Time magazine, David Von Drehle posits that there is a conservative identity crisis in America today. The term ?conservative? is a popular term in America. Indeed, Von Drehle shows that according to polls, conservatism is the most ?popular philosophy in the US: 2 in every 5 Americans say they embrace
[continue reading…]
Posted in Featured Issues, Politics & Current Events |
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Mar 3rd, 2012 |
By Dr. Jim Eckman
We live in an age where the state is taking control over more and more facets of our lives. The old saying of a paternalist state that cares for us from cradle to the grave is not that far off the mark. The free market economy is not that free anymore; it is a highly regulated market where the state controls and regulates almost every facet of our financial lives. This highly regulated form of capitalism is a result of sin.
Posted in Christian Life, Featured Issues |
Comments Off on The Judeo-Christian Tradition and Capitalism
Feb 25th, 2012 |
By Dr. Jim Eckman
A retired anesthesiologist, Lawrence Egbert is an 84-year old doctor, who is in some ways the current public face of doctor-assisted suicide as a movement. He has replaced Dr. Jack Kevorkian as the symbol of this controversial practice.
Posted in Ethics, Featured Issues |
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Feb 11th, 2012 |
By Dr. Jim Eckman
Near the end of January 2012, an extraordinary development affecting the cause of religious liberty occurred and the media hardly reported on it. In my judgment, it is one of the most underreported stories in recent memory. For the first time in American history, the state is ordering religious institutions to provide insurance coverage for employees that must include contraceptives, including those that may induce abortion.
Posted in Featured Issues, Politics & Current Events |
Comments Off on Religious Liberty vs. The State
Feb 4th, 2012 |
By Dr. Jim Eckman
Since World War II, the federal government has been distributing more benefits to more people without mandating higher taxes. The result is a welfare state with ever-growing dependency on the government?at all levels. As public policy, this formula is now bankrupt?and will soon result in the bankruptcy of this nation.
Posted in Featured Issues, Politics & Current Events |
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