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Sep 1st, 2012 |
By Dr. Jim Eckman
The security of the nation-state of Israel has been one of the centerpieces of US foreign policy since the administration of Harry Truman. Perhaps at no time since the 1967 war has the security of Israel been such a viable matter of concern. Unfortunately, it is now a part of the political culture of the 2012 presidential election. In addition to the obvious threat of Iran, whose nuclear capability grows each week, and the growing instability of Syria, which is on the verge of civil war, there are other real threats to Israel?s security. For that reason, it is imperative to summarize the current volatility of the Middle East and the genuine threat this all poses to Israel?s security.
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Aug 25th, 2012 |
By Dr. Jim Eckman
On Issues in Perspective over the last decade or so, I have argued that American culture is now Postmodern in its orientation and worldview. Among other things, Postmodernism means that truth is defined personally, as what works for you. There are no universal truths and the test of ?truth? is a pragmatic one?does it work, and does it work for me. The end result of this insanity is that as a culture, both individually and collectively, we really do not believe in anything. Personal autonomy trumps all other standards and beliefs. Two recent developments highlight this thesis.
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Aug 18th, 2012 |
By Dr. Jim Eckman
Each time I travel to Washington, D.C., I make it a point to visit the Lincoln and the Jefferson memorials; they are my favorite places in our nation?s capital. Each memorial causes me to think of great men, who exercised power in the service of high ideals and who knew how to use power for the good of others. But, as the columnist David Brooks argues, recent memorials in our nation?s capital have avoided memorializing the topics of strength and power in leadership. These recent, terribly unfortunate memorials in Washington reflect a significant shift in cultural values?and that shift has not been positive. Let me explain.
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Aug 11th, 2012 |
By Dr. Jim Eckman
The United States was founded on the principles of both religious and political liberty. These precious principles were enshrined in the Bill of Rights, especially the First Amendment. As a nation that has championed these rights throughout its history and indeed the world, in terms of protecting these rights, our nation is changing. Rights and personal liberties are now defined as personal autonomy, something never envisioned by our Founders. Permit me to offer several thoughts.
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Aug 4th, 2012 |
By Dr. Jim Eckman
Since the fall, physical violence against fellow human beings has been a given (see Genesis 4). There is probably no greater evidence of human rebellion against God?s moral law than the premeditated killing of humans. War, state terrorism and premeditated murder have characterized human history. But the causation of violence against humans is difficult. It is correct to argue that all human violence is due to sin but that does not solve much nor, for most, does it satisfy as an explanation; nor does it bring much comfort.
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Jul 28th, 2012 |
By Dr. Jim Eckman
As President Obama makes the case that he should be re-elected as president, one of his significant failures may haunt him come November?his failure as a friend of Israel. Historically, since 1948, the United States has been the most important friend of Israel. Indeed, one could argue that since 1948 had America not supported Israel, it would have been destroyed. In chronological order, in this Perspective, I want to chart the failure of President Obama?s first term as a friend of Israel.
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Jul 21st, 2012 |
By Dr. Jim Eckman
Not too long ago, many in the educational community ignored the evidence?but no longer: Boys are falling behind?catastrophically in many categories. That boys (and eventually men) are not keeping up with girls (and women) is not a positive culturally development. A number of years ago, the historian, Ann Douglas, wrote the important book, The Feminization of American Culture, which documented the developments that have ?feminized? our culture. Consider two important developments, both reflections of the cultural turmoil resulting from the confusion over sexual roles:
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Jul 14th, 2012 |
By Dr. Jim Eckman
What was once unthinkable becomes debatable and gradually becomes acceptable. That process is now active in America producing a culture of accommodation to ideas and practices hostile to the ethical absolutes rooted deeply in Scripture. There is no more perfect example of this culture of accommodation than same-sex marriage.
Posted in Culture & Wordview, Featured Issues |
Jun 30th, 2012 |
By Dr. Jim Eckman
Since the administration of Dwight D. Eisenhower, both Republicans and Democrats have accepted the basic model of the New Deal Welfare State. Many Republicans under Eisenhower sought to unravel the welfare state programs begun during the New Deal, especially Social Security, but Eisenhower made the decision to keep the basic model of a moderate welfare state. Under President George W. Bush, the Republicans continued to basically support the moderate welfare state, especially with his addition of the prescription drug program to Medicare as a benefit.
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Jun 16th, 2012 |
By Dr. Jim Eckman
The 2012 presidential election campaign should be about the role of the US government in our economy. In this edition of Issues, I want to focus on a brief history of that role and then detail the present role of the US government.
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