Job 12:1-14:17
Feb 14th, 2025 | By Dr. Jim Eckman
Zophar focuses on God’s omniscience to accuse Job, who responds with a perspective on God that rejects the singular focus of his friends.
Zophar focuses on God’s omniscience to accuse Job, who responds with a perspective on God that rejects the singular focus of his friends.
In 1958, political theorist, Isaiah Berlin, delivered a lecture entitled “Two Concepts of Liberty,” which established two strands of thought on the concept of freedom.
Jordan Peterson is a cultural phenomenon. He has been called both “the world’s most famous public intellectual” and “the stupid man’s smart person.” His most famous book is 12 Rules for Life, which is an unusual mix of existential philosophy and common sense pronouncements. The Economist reports that an entire Peterson industry has flourished around him: There is a Jordan Peterson newsletter (“Mondays of Meaning”), a “Peterson Academy ($500 a year gets you lectures on a variety of “manly” topics) and a “self-authorizing program.”