Thinking About Climate As A Christian

Jul 13th, 2024 | By

Because God is the Creator, He owns everything (see Psalm 50:10-12). And, as the Sovereign Creator and Owner, He gives us all things that are a part of life, trusts us with them and expects us to manage all things well. He is the owner; we are His stewards. A biblical view of stewardship, therefore, centers on utilizing and managing all the resources God provides for His glory and the betterment of His creation; it is managing everything He brings into our lives in a manner that honors Him.

1 John 4:7-21

Jul 12th, 2024 | By

“God is love”–the implications and obligations that go with that proposition are John’s emphasis.

US Leadership And The Harsh Realities Of The Wars In Ukraine And Gaza

Jul 6th, 2024 | By

We live in troubling times. The Western world is under severe pressure, facing challenges from Russia, Iran and China. And the leader of the Western world is faltering in its leadership. The confusion, disorder and unsettledness currently dominating American politics are causing other western allies to doubt the reliability of the US in its obligations as an ally. The two current candidates for president do not yield any degree of confidence or certainty about this reliability: One candidate is an America-first isolationist and the other lacks the decisive courage to lead the Western world. Our enemies know this and relish the continued decline, as they perceive it, of the West. For them the future belongs to the axis of evil centered in Russia, Iran and China, not the West.

1 John 4:1-12

Jul 5th, 2024 | By

Discerning truth from error begins with how one views Jesus and the command to love one another is rooted in God’s very being, for God is love.